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Current special President Hyper - Valid from 30.05 to 05.06 - Page nb 8

Special President Hyper 30.05.2023 - 05.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Conditioner Refill Pouch 2x 500mi § Duck ; Peoki Action Dettol Hygiene Cobra Bathroom & Touch x Tollet Cleaner ee 500ml + Kitchen Mulele su \ Multisurface =e ee Cleaner | sae ‘mee Super Value A im Air Freshener Pack Vass taverd Se Wood Polish Om! 2x 500m! eS * 2x 300m! finish E asa gy ____ finish! ¥ INT UM ro as 5D Fry | finish = QUANT Ue Powerball . Quantum Allin 1 Max Dishwasher Sunlight Original Dishwashing Handy Andy Tablets Cream Liquid XL Value Pack Bottle Bottle 30 + 20 FREE 41.5Lt 4.5L (50's) Bercy i a w Strepsils FL —— ~ ot ‘ol ; % p Doel Antiluactvelal Acton Brees Soathing veil to sore thanats FEM Eocene Med-Lemon Hot Medication Str epsi for 99 ; i Colds and Flu COOLMINT (a fy Fal ger ed = f- | Scott's sas suspe | Emulsion pat Cod Liver Oil eer Aim ¥ eanges 100mi 16's / 24's Offers valid from Tuesday 30 May 2023 till Monday 5 June 2023 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C’s apply ry Foil Light 20m

Latest specials

Conditioner Refill Pouch 2x 500mi § Duck ; Peoki Action Dettol Hygiene Cobra Bathroom & Touch x Tollet Cleaner ee 500ml + Kitchen Mulele su \ Multisurface =e ee Cleaner | sae ‘mee Super Value A im Air Freshener Pack Vass taverd Se Wood Polish Om! 2x 500m! eS * 2x 300m! finish E asa gy ____ finish! ¥ INT UM ro as 5D Fry | finish = QUANT Ue Powerball . Quantum Allin 1 Max Dishwasher Sunlight Original Dishwashing Handy Andy Tablets Cream Liquid XL Value Pack Bottle Bottle 30 + 20 FREE 41.5Lt 4.5L (50's) Bercy i a w Strepsils FL —— ~ ot ‘ol ; % p Doel Antiluactvelal Acton Brees Soathing veil to sore thanats FEM Eocene Med-Lemon Hot Medication Str epsi for 99 ; i Colds and Flu COOLMINT (a fy Fal ger ed = f- | Scott's sas suspe | Emulsion pat Cod Liver Oil eer Aim ¥ eanges 100mi 16's / 24's Offers valid from Tuesday 30 May 2023 till Monday 5 June 2023 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C’s apply ry Foil Light 20m

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