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Current special President Hyper - Valid from 30.05 to 05.06 - Page nb 1

Special President Hyper 30.05.2023 - 05.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

aS ze eae. ¢:}- ad R89 2 ia} dead icken Braai Pack ere a tales) Cedarfalls Wors Beef Potjie on Bone R president ee Dl all Krugersdorp « Fochville - Vaal ia ‘WEETBIX| _WHOLEGRAIN | Seto Secs HO Vremioe YR ==: © Skg Ve Smee wit — sal ge y py WEET-BIX| aed te . Original / Strong / ana WHOLEGRAIN [ize etsca 69 hn Brazil / Black Roast / [SSSTSSS) spread for Bread ae biel ] lvory Coast 37 Bokomo. (eee Decaf) Tub Weet-Bix Be 4kg 2Z eo 4. | ‘35kq 200g ak TOSHIBA , : LED FHD TV (32S25NK) Pampers Baby-Dry Jumbo Pack Nappies :- Size 1, orn 96's / Size 2, Mini 94's / Size 3, Midi 76's / Size 4, Maxi 66's / Size 4+, Maxi Plus 62's / Size 5, Junior 52's / Vv Size 6, Extra Large 44's (ETOS43U596SEV) Offers valid from Tuesday 30 May 2023 till Monday 5 June 2023 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C's apply

Latest specials

aS ze eae. ¢:}- ad R89 2 ia} dead icken Braai Pack ere a tales) Cedarfalls Wors Beef Potjie on Bone R president ee Dl all Krugersdorp « Fochville - Vaal ia ‘WEETBIX| _WHOLEGRAIN | Seto Secs HO Vremioe YR ==: © Skg Ve Smee wit — sal ge y py WEET-BIX| aed te . Original / Strong / ana WHOLEGRAIN [ize etsca 69 hn Brazil / Black Roast / [SSSTSSS) spread for Bread ae biel ] lvory Coast 37 Bokomo. (eee Decaf) Tub Weet-Bix Be 4kg 2Z eo 4. | ‘35kq 200g ak TOSHIBA , : LED FHD TV (32S25NK) Pampers Baby-Dry Jumbo Pack Nappies :- Size 1, orn 96's / Size 2, Mini 94's / Size 3, Midi 76's / Size 4, Maxi 66's / Size 4+, Maxi Plus 62's / Size 5, Junior 52's / Vv Size 6, Extra Large 44's (ETOS43U596SEV) Offers valid from Tuesday 30 May 2023 till Monday 5 June 2023 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C's apply

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