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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

WE SAVE MONEY WITH OUR LOWEST [FURNITURE fe) |=) pm om Sal pg Deposit K4250. K1699 rears Ree i eee et CET a eee Saree ONC Rey SAVE *3000 Deposit X6750.4-Piece Stuttguard Lounge Suite LPP eerie meer K1319x 18 Months. with Ottoman K24999 eee ee ey K26999 Se eee, Leela els Salat K9499 Did CAE Le Pate RESTONIC Peery eee Coon ALSO AVAILABLE Ay el ee ea ee RTC 152cm re Ss Dae eae UE ec ‘Symphony Base Set 26999 reste) 9499, Save K2500

Latest specials

WE SAVE MONEY WITH OUR LOWEST [FURNITURE fe) |=) pm om Sal pg Deposit K4250. K1699 rears Ree i eee et CET a eee Saree ONC Rey SAVE *3000 Deposit X6750.4-Piece Stuttguard Lounge Suite LPP eerie meer K1319x 18 Months. with Ottoman K24999 eee ee ey K26999 Se eee, Leela els Salat K9499 Did CAE Le Pate RESTONIC Peery eee Coon ALSO AVAILABLE Ay el ee ea ee RTC 152cm re Ss Dae eae UE ec ‘Symphony Base Set 26999 reste) 9499, Save K2500

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