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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

wae bt ee cay eS aes wat Hisense Er Cree ae Ceasar) ees aaah Run cies Pisses H670SMIBWD Pitt NERGY RATING H 1786mm W 910mm D_ 646mm SAVE «300 K4699 Deposit 1175. K249 x 18 Months. White Chest Freezer H120/25CF JA ENERGY Axratine H 863mm W. 558mm D 574mm By rd) K2399 eta oe Ome TZ} Cg eT Tes Er DY etc r CoV eT Meee SAVE «300 K1899 Deposit K475. K109 x 18 Months. = ©KARCHER® Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner WD wo | — Baarine Ajarine, Araring | H1420mm Hi 1656mm 1H 1710mm W 500mm W 660mm W 540mm D_ 538mm PD 645mm > sa7mm SAVE «1500 SAVE "1000 PRINCESS SAVE*500 (DEFY K10499 Hr, KGQ99 Ye, KBQ99 Pa Deposit K2625. weoneer Deposit K1750. Eaitiie Deposit 2280. 4-Plate Stove posit 2625 it eposit S09 18 Months, Vashi 268% 18 Mont, DOlUuX Stove 450x 18 Months. OSS697 WTJD802T SAVE*50 Pinewate K599 pm rc) Phebe Cat) oan ea aera Aiea SAVE «1000 Deposit K2500. K499 x 18 Months. Mid: MSAGA-12HRN1 Air Conditioner | * 12000BTU PTE H 1215mm W 600mm D 665mm ad a7 Ciend Po Mixer Se hI) -1Xe) HR3705, eu cay SSCA} Petar Sah rere SAVE *150 SAVE «300 SAVE «200 De sit K237. Deposit K1125. e 1 Deposit K450. ee Ree in, COE Ri te Oiic iia Gidea Pedestal Water Garment Fan Cooler . Steamer FS40-16J YL1674S r MY-GJ15B2W 7

Latest specials

wae bt ee cay eS aes wat Hisense Er Cree ae Ceasar) ees aaah Run cies Pisses H670SMIBWD Pitt NERGY RATING H 1786mm W 910mm D_ 646mm SAVE «300 K4699 Deposit 1175. K249 x 18 Months. White Chest Freezer H120/25CF JA ENERGY Axratine H 863mm W. 558mm D 574mm By rd) K2399 eta oe Ome TZ} Cg eT Tes Er DY etc r CoV eT Meee SAVE «300 K1899 Deposit K475. K109 x 18 Months. = ©KARCHER® Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner WD wo | — Baarine Ajarine, Araring | H1420mm Hi 1656mm 1H 1710mm W 500mm W 660mm W 540mm D_ 538mm PD 645mm > sa7mm SAVE «1500 SAVE "1000 PRINCESS SAVE*500 (DEFY K10499 Hr, KGQ99 Ye, KBQ99 Pa Deposit K2625. weoneer Deposit K1750. Eaitiie Deposit 2280. 4-Plate Stove posit 2625 it eposit S09 18 Months, Vashi 268% 18 Mont, DOlUuX Stove 450x 18 Months. OSS697 WTJD802T SAVE*50 Pinewate K599 pm rc) Phebe Cat) oan ea aera Aiea SAVE «1000 Deposit K2500. K499 x 18 Months. Mid: MSAGA-12HRN1 Air Conditioner | * 12000BTU PTE H 1215mm W 600mm D 665mm ad a7 Ciend Po Mixer Se hI) -1Xe) HR3705, eu cay SSCA} Petar Sah rere SAVE *150 SAVE «300 SAVE «200 De sit K237. Deposit K1125. e 1 Deposit K450. ee Ree in, COE Ri te Oiic iia Gidea Pedestal Water Garment Fan Cooler . Steamer FS40-16J YL1674S r MY-GJ15B2W 7

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