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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 20.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 20.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG 4K Smart Digital LED TV UASOAUTOOOKXXA, © 2-Year Guarantee SKYWORTH| een PUREE oy rf ‘SAVE R2100 *7899 I wun 4K Full HD Sr LED TV Total Payable R317 4K Smart LED TV ae R3989 Gait R1Z899 W200" Foner R489 wet ‘Deposit R399. ° 4-Year Guarantee © 4-Year Guarantee HOR 2 Eee bgt iat . tees aoe xa Baza Dosty Dosty 98 Decoder ‘Streama RMIVHD10 R989 y 29999 | Woy surge prior Pass ee aenciaed PU SOR nat CTT: 1: ee 21:1: ecotnatar tor sthaaaa 1): Moi eer) VC: rm en tte Ba rtrd err) et @ Bere Peay ea) Barkan MX-PH30008/ XS-N728PB + 4800W ‘2-Channel DJ E '5" Desktop Monitor Controller DDJ-200 ‘Speakers DM-50D 64GB Micro 1286 SD Card + Flash Drive ‘Adaptor = ALso so 3 ay 7m *5999 nants = § 2 Now OnLy Depot ROD. a = Sica Ro ‘ eer W ONLY now OnLy Total Payable RY S38 24 5 X10D LG saan Boe [ioades NOSE aghiclons {56° 1Scomron Fay : 7 ; Pea era ees 19999 aur perenne ree 2 1699 MM R73Q9 inrerie wee ncrcnenneuton| RGQG =» RBA re : oS ue Westen Mauna See ee. nce aS sen wes Moat Sei, ee AM-3350-BK So ‘« Windows 11 Home Operating System st at 24 25% In ~ Fit Active Full Touch TE acer > eee ae © Ge Haren System | swtoook Bunce A Watch Paes | Smartwateh t ‘in Black a _ B g t : — y Polaroid ‘65° G214G/LTE Dual Nano st R2599 25) R2189 SAMSUNG ‘Smartphone 03 V Notch Display R3499 Qos SAMSUNG i Galany A13 46 {66° Galaxy A23.46 6.5" Galaxy AO4 46 Dust Nano SIM Smartphone 3. Mt Smartphone Daal SIM Smartphone Saou fold 12 Operating System . 2 Operating System HO PLSLco Frio TET Dek py wh i} “an Battery ast Char

Latest specials

SAMSUNG 4K Smart Digital LED TV UASOAUTOOOKXXA, © 2-Year Guarantee SKYWORTH| een PUREE oy rf ‘SAVE R2100 *7899 I wun 4K Full HD Sr LED TV Total Payable R317 4K Smart LED TV ae R3989 Gait R1Z899 W200" Foner R489 wet ‘Deposit R399. ° 4-Year Guarantee © 4-Year Guarantee HOR 2 Eee bgt iat . tees aoe xa Baza Dosty Dosty 98 Decoder ‘Streama RMIVHD10 R989 y 29999 | Woy surge prior Pass ee aenciaed PU SOR nat CTT: 1: ee 21:1: ecotnatar tor sthaaaa 1): Moi eer) VC: rm en tte Ba rtrd err) et @ Bere Peay ea) Barkan MX-PH30008/ XS-N728PB + 4800W ‘2-Channel DJ E '5" Desktop Monitor Controller DDJ-200 ‘Speakers DM-50D 64GB Micro 1286 SD Card + Flash Drive ‘Adaptor = ALso so 3 ay 7m *5999 nants = § 2 Now OnLy Depot ROD. a = Sica Ro ‘ eer W ONLY now OnLy Total Payable RY S38 24 5 X10D LG saan Boe [ioades NOSE aghiclons {56° 1Scomron Fay : 7 ; Pea era ees 19999 aur perenne ree 2 1699 MM R73Q9 inrerie wee ncrcnenneuton| RGQG =» RBA re : oS ue Westen Mauna See ee. nce aS sen wes Moat Sei, ee AM-3350-BK So ‘« Windows 11 Home Operating System st at 24 25% In ~ Fit Active Full Touch TE acer > eee ae © Ge Haren System | swtoook Bunce A Watch Paes | Smartwateh t ‘in Black a _ B g t : — y Polaroid ‘65° G214G/LTE Dual Nano st R2599 25) R2189 SAMSUNG ‘Smartphone 03 V Notch Display R3499 Qos SAMSUNG i Galany A13 46 {66° Galaxy A23.46 6.5" Galaxy AO4 46 Dust Nano SIM Smartphone 3. Mt Smartphone Daal SIM Smartphone Saou fold 12 Operating System . 2 Operating System HO PLSLco Frio TET Dek py wh i} “an Battery ast Char

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