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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 20.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 20.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

save *320 COI) Pry Carer a 14999 sable iar Lantern Cut = kit tp eae ten seers Rice R3449 RF tet "otal Payable RETO RU Di 3-Plate Compact Stove 0ss513 * Contents ot included R18999 per kit WAHL 15-Pioce Easy © 3-Year Warranty Tol Payable 64 32620 @ aed Hobbs Iron RHIS00 ‘© 2400W Pre Meteor ecere) ory EB \i R28999 Portable Re Cartridge Gas Stove Pear Race Ata ecaeg R4799 ee eit Univa Toul 242 Black 4-Plate Cable Stove uri68 * 2-Year Guarantee Pry ALso avaitaste Ba Battery & Charger ‘Starter Pack © 2:5An R290", ‘Save R100 n3249 2429 I aT soc) Seen Fecha Pt pa ca pe ro eae ale RESZO ee Me ae R1999 R979 ee oa Paya 2369 324285 EINHELL Cordless Impact Drill 18V Sy 2428 it Metallic Cookerhood DCH291M *2-Year Warranty ‘Satin oa orn ere pee re) ty bee BT ete KCG300/2ME FY —— Hob with Control DHD415 R1649 Deposit 65. iD «90 Ment ‘otal Pate 853° 2-Year 24.20% Warranty epost Rs. 9 «96 Months Tea Payable RYG347 22h Grey Washing Machine WAISTS260BY © 2-Year Guarantee R979 82949 seca Hint Bie, tit, Hct at 24.29% at azine JATASONT Wet & Dry ) Vacuum” Cleaner HWD10 = 100W -_ 87399 822999 eae ‘with Water Dispenser Rea peor paren GF ia 908 n3449 c00me Metallic Oven are "otal Payal 708 M242 nt sein R1899 Ours 80 30 Month. Taal ae FANT 2h @ Bennett Read High Pressure Washer xTR1800 * 1800W oz ral Hot 1S-2008 lato R2949 Depost 295 Fabs x90 Mont “otal Pate 196 4 20 “e Brush Cutter LsB-3320 * Free 200m! 2-Stroke Oil

Latest specials

save *320 COI) Pry Carer a 14999 sable iar Lantern Cut = kit tp eae ten seers Rice R3449 RF tet "otal Payable RETO RU Di 3-Plate Compact Stove 0ss513 * Contents ot included R18999 per kit WAHL 15-Pioce Easy © 3-Year Warranty Tol Payable 64 32620 @ aed Hobbs Iron RHIS00 ‘© 2400W Pre Meteor ecere) ory EB \i R28999 Portable Re Cartridge Gas Stove Pear Race Ata ecaeg R4799 ee eit Univa Toul 242 Black 4-Plate Cable Stove uri68 * 2-Year Guarantee Pry ALso avaitaste Ba Battery & Charger ‘Starter Pack © 2:5An R290", ‘Save R100 n3249 2429 I aT soc) Seen Fecha Pt pa ca pe ro eae ale RESZO ee Me ae R1999 R979 ee oa Paya 2369 324285 EINHELL Cordless Impact Drill 18V Sy 2428 it Metallic Cookerhood DCH291M *2-Year Warranty ‘Satin oa orn ere pee re) ty bee BT ete KCG300/2ME FY —— Hob with Control DHD415 R1649 Deposit 65. iD «90 Ment ‘otal Pate 853° 2-Year 24.20% Warranty epost Rs. 9 «96 Months Tea Payable RYG347 22h Grey Washing Machine WAISTS260BY © 2-Year Guarantee R979 82949 seca Hint Bie, tit, Hct at 24.29% at azine JATASONT Wet & Dry ) Vacuum” Cleaner HWD10 = 100W -_ 87399 822999 eae ‘with Water Dispenser Rea peor paren GF ia 908 n3449 c00me Metallic Oven are "otal Payal 708 M242 nt sein R1899 Ours 80 30 Month. Taal ae FANT 2h @ Bennett Read High Pressure Washer xTR1800 * 1800W oz ral Hot 1S-2008 lato R2949 Depost 295 Fabs x90 Mont “otal Pate 196 4 20 “e Brush Cutter LsB-3320 * Free 200m! 2-Stroke Oil

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