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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 05.12 to 18.12 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 05.12.2022 - 18.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘Casablanca Maxi Chest 138em of Drawers Casablanca Robe Fi2209, Save R200 2009, Save R500 0 Batsnn | 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite SAVE "1000 ics t703-Ploce Casablanca SAVE "10 epi t100.2-Plece Pomona Bedroom Sulte x36Nonbs.. » Base set, bedding and x2Ments. . Bedroom Suite 18x26 Mente.» Base set, bedding and. Nzwane” accessories not included nei * Base set, bedding and wazhim "accessories not included accessories not included a th EACE OF MINED WITH DQUBL 137cm Sandhurst Base Set © 1-Year Guarantee Doubled 152cm Komati Base Set Depot 300 13Tom Logan Bese Set Deposit R450. to 2 Years Included in a Depost RES. * 1-Year Guarantee Doubled Saeed Lec ene R2Ox36 Moths —_-5-Year Service Warranty RSESx36 Monts, to 2 Years Included in a 73205 mt ina 5-Year Service Warranty Sa a te Teal Paabie R11967 ——40-Year Service Warranty jm 7 Es {820m imbal Pamper-Top = Deposit R700, 152cm Austin Base Set Storage Base Set Deposit R200 1520m Chicago Base Set (R53 x 36 Months. © 1-Year Guarantee Doubled ¢ 1-Year Guarantee Doubled [R335 x 36 Months. * 1-Year Guarantee Doubled ‘Total Payable 12708 to 2 Years Included in a to 2 Years Included in a Total Payable R14193 to 2 Years Included in a 23.25% Int 10-Year Service Warranty 10-Year Service Warranty anmn 10-Year Service Warranty Bury Zone Base Set 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ax ‘SAVE "1478" 700, 138 Mentha “ol Payable 812708 123. 29% ht sO ty 152cm Tanzanite Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 3213, Ce Tes FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE LINE. Prces advatised are applicable wehn South Arica only lstalment amounts displayed inde VA, interest, credit Me insurance, morthly service and tation fon, applicable, but excludes optional insurance and dolvery charges. Al credit applications are sbject oan aflordaity assessment as equred by the NCA and is Regulations. Requirements forced applications must include a copy of yourientty document. latest thee pystips andor Bark statements, prot of esidence no ler than tree months and monthy expenses. Deposit may have to be pid. subject b your credit assessment. SMS for credit - SMS costs A. Standard Ts & Cs apply Lay-by savalabe on selected products. Minimum dept of R100 per ay by. Find any tem cheaper at any other etal, prove us wth acute catalogue or quot and we wil refund the ciference plu 5% ofthe derence, on condition that the ential product must be stick at the time atthe local retailer Ths offer towever excludes Store Openings, Clearances ae Limiod Quanity ters. Products canbe purchasod from al fer branches, some products may ot be on splay ial stores. Accessories displayed ar all played as extras and ae not included in the advertised price Stock and quanites maybe limited at our discretion. No Dealers allowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce thor ID document, prot of residence and avaldTV Licence as required by lgisatin. Clone purchases TET =} are subject RICA requrements, Service Providers Ts 8 Cs and in-store activaton. The delayed payment appable to contracts tha ar 18 months induration or longer Buy beore 24 December 2022 and ony stat paying your ist instaiment on 1 March 2023 Should an ero ocur or incomplete information be parted i ths advertisement, we wil splay a notice in-store with lhe corect deta. Errors and omissions excepted. Ranbow Finance is a trading dvsion of Shope Investments Ltd, an Authorised Credit Provider (NCRCP60SA), and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732). Proud to be NCA compliant. ou details 0 = URE

Latest specials

‘Casablanca Maxi Chest 138em of Drawers Casablanca Robe Fi2209, Save R200 2009, Save R500 0 Batsnn | 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite SAVE "1000 ics t703-Ploce Casablanca SAVE "10 epi t100.2-Plece Pomona Bedroom Sulte x36Nonbs.. » Base set, bedding and x2Ments. . Bedroom Suite 18x26 Mente.» Base set, bedding and. Nzwane” accessories not included nei * Base set, bedding and wazhim "accessories not included accessories not included a th EACE OF MINED WITH DQUBL 137cm Sandhurst Base Set © 1-Year Guarantee Doubled 152cm Komati Base Set Depot 300 13Tom Logan Bese Set Deposit R450. to 2 Years Included in a Depost RES. * 1-Year Guarantee Doubled Saeed Lec ene R2Ox36 Moths —_-5-Year Service Warranty RSESx36 Monts, to 2 Years Included in a 73205 mt ina 5-Year Service Warranty Sa a te Teal Paabie R11967 ——40-Year Service Warranty jm 7 Es {820m imbal Pamper-Top = Deposit R700, 152cm Austin Base Set Storage Base Set Deposit R200 1520m Chicago Base Set (R53 x 36 Months. © 1-Year Guarantee Doubled ¢ 1-Year Guarantee Doubled [R335 x 36 Months. * 1-Year Guarantee Doubled ‘Total Payable 12708 to 2 Years Included in a to 2 Years Included in a Total Payable R14193 to 2 Years Included in a 23.25% Int 10-Year Service Warranty 10-Year Service Warranty anmn 10-Year Service Warranty Bury Zone Base Set 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ax ‘SAVE "1478" 700, 138 Mentha “ol Payable 812708 123. 29% ht sO ty 152cm Tanzanite Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 3213, Ce Tes FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE LINE. Prces advatised are applicable wehn South Arica only lstalment amounts displayed inde VA, interest, credit Me insurance, morthly service and tation fon, applicable, but excludes optional insurance and dolvery charges. Al credit applications are sbject oan aflordaity assessment as equred by the NCA and is Regulations. Requirements forced applications must include a copy of yourientty document. latest thee pystips andor Bark statements, prot of esidence no ler than tree months and monthy expenses. Deposit may have to be pid. subject b your credit assessment. SMS for credit - SMS costs A. Standard Ts & Cs apply Lay-by savalabe on selected products. Minimum dept of R100 per ay by. Find any tem cheaper at any other etal, prove us wth acute catalogue or quot and we wil refund the ciference plu 5% ofthe derence, on condition that the ential product must be stick at the time atthe local retailer Ths offer towever excludes Store Openings, Clearances ae Limiod Quanity ters. Products canbe purchasod from al fer branches, some products may ot be on splay ial stores. Accessories displayed ar all played as extras and ae not included in the advertised price Stock and quanites maybe limited at our discretion. No Dealers allowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce thor ID document, prot of residence and avaldTV Licence as required by lgisatin. Clone purchases TET =} are subject RICA requrements, Service Providers Ts 8 Cs and in-store activaton. The delayed payment appable to contracts tha ar 18 months induration or longer Buy beore 24 December 2022 and ony stat paying your ist instaiment on 1 March 2023 Should an ero ocur or incomplete information be parted i ths advertisement, we wil splay a notice in-store with lhe corect deta. Errors and omissions excepted. Ranbow Finance is a trading dvsion of Shope Investments Ltd, an Authorised Credit Provider (NCRCP60SA), and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732). Proud to be NCA compliant. ou details 0 = URE

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