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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 05.12 to 18.12 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 05.12.2022 - 18.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

M1072 W920 Depot 220. Depot RAO. Depot R50. egos 490 Zia 30 Mob. 203 20 Men Reet 30 ents ROBT 3 Meth. Toa Pate 07 Tea Payat i2 Tot Payable RSOT Tota Pat 90 825208 nt Mz MZ 2% at 23.25% Univa (DEFY) Univa 1 3-Plato 4-Plate - Pugin Compact Stove Compact Stove Black Plug-in Stove 4-Plate Dsssi3 Dssst4 3058 Cable Stove *2-Year * Contents * Contents ery Pee ors not included not included tee WW score *3-Year *3-Year ee Warranty Steen Warranty SAVE "100 SAVE™100 (DEFY) 300 (DEFY DEFY R1299 R1G699 stack «ria R3299 co0e siacx #3299 4-Plate Ceran Hob Dees Deseatia Solid Hob with Seemed" Glass Oven dents” _with Touch Control Ti Pyle 69 Teal Pate P3800 Hepa’ ane! Teas Poatie nossa OBOSESE TeatPyae ss Ob. yece Warranty m2 2% mZ25% re fee 23.29% 0 23.25% ke + 2-Year Warranty Warranty ¢ ) Cookerhood DcH290 + 2-Year Warranty WortD cuP “ott Payable R214 mz “—= Hisense White Microwave Oven H2oMOws10 + 700W * 2-Year Guarantee C C #2499 Depot R45, Depot 36D, Fe 9 Meth Reto 35 Monte Rife Set Tos Pye R006 Tez Pee 15009 Te PyaleRSSEY namie naire a zs2on nt @EFY) @ic brother Grey Top-Loader Grey Top-Loader geera Washing Machine Washing Machine [prensa DTL156 T1885NEHTE Machige * 2-Year Warranty = 2-Year Guarantee Mack fe} 83499 4899 s LG R2699 Coc, Depost 270.” Microwave Oven R1834 20 Monts, MS4235GIS Electronic Microwave Oven Tea Pt R383 Teal Payable AOI Tea Paya 74 : Roaleaatie MOIS M0390 ay + 1200W 3 n 3.295 zane DMO wage SON ierantas d @ Bennett Read * 2-Year Warranty White Kettle Glass Kettle ‘Steam Iron 2 Plate Mel Oven PSCKB45 GRK-017 SSS-3006 l ee LITY AND CONVENIENCE FOR LESS! R799 Det BT Caates was salton Box Fan SBF70 *70W 6-Piece Aluminium Pot Set J7 = von! s. FP-750 R399. : 1 Hotplate #34999 23999 set 2008 Depot 40 y Portable 3b 30 Monts, Cartridge Total Payable R052 J} Gas Stove 222 ale 179 MZ 2 nt q ; it "150 ibe SAVE "400 R179 #999 i) _ 73199 Pe ee | Seatiee e ae ete } RT te Tea Pyle i f Taal Pate R277 ae Te PoaieRI7E9 Total Pyale R607 ‘at 23.25% int. . = i at 23.25% Int. co (i Wet & Dry KKRCHER® F =] Vacuum <i Industrial Fan ‘Wet & Dr GISF-200 Cleseat, Vacuurn Gleaner pune Gutter * 160W < *100W ea LSB-3320 a ‘> Aran 6»

Latest specials

M1072 W920 Depot 220. Depot RAO. Depot R50. egos 490 Zia 30 Mob. 203 20 Men Reet 30 ents ROBT 3 Meth. Toa Pate 07 Tea Payat i2 Tot Payable RSOT Tota Pat 90 825208 nt Mz MZ 2% at 23.25% Univa (DEFY) Univa 1 3-Plato 4-Plate - Pugin Compact Stove Compact Stove Black Plug-in Stove 4-Plate Dsssi3 Dssst4 3058 Cable Stove *2-Year * Contents * Contents ery Pee ors not included not included tee WW score *3-Year *3-Year ee Warranty Steen Warranty SAVE "100 SAVE™100 (DEFY) 300 (DEFY DEFY R1299 R1G699 stack «ria R3299 co0e siacx #3299 4-Plate Ceran Hob Dees Deseatia Solid Hob with Seemed" Glass Oven dents” _with Touch Control Ti Pyle 69 Teal Pate P3800 Hepa’ ane! Teas Poatie nossa OBOSESE TeatPyae ss Ob. yece Warranty m2 2% mZ25% re fee 23.29% 0 23.25% ke + 2-Year Warranty Warranty ¢ ) Cookerhood DcH290 + 2-Year Warranty WortD cuP “ott Payable R214 mz “—= Hisense White Microwave Oven H2oMOws10 + 700W * 2-Year Guarantee C C #2499 Depot R45, Depot 36D, Fe 9 Meth Reto 35 Monte Rife Set Tos Pye R006 Tez Pee 15009 Te PyaleRSSEY namie naire a zs2on nt @EFY) @ic brother Grey Top-Loader Grey Top-Loader geera Washing Machine Washing Machine [prensa DTL156 T1885NEHTE Machige * 2-Year Warranty = 2-Year Guarantee Mack fe} 83499 4899 s LG R2699 Coc, Depost 270.” Microwave Oven R1834 20 Monts, MS4235GIS Electronic Microwave Oven Tea Pt R383 Teal Payable AOI Tea Paya 74 : Roaleaatie MOIS M0390 ay + 1200W 3 n 3.295 zane DMO wage SON ierantas d @ Bennett Read * 2-Year Warranty White Kettle Glass Kettle ‘Steam Iron 2 Plate Mel Oven PSCKB45 GRK-017 SSS-3006 l ee LITY AND CONVENIENCE FOR LESS! R799 Det BT Caates was salton Box Fan SBF70 *70W 6-Piece Aluminium Pot Set J7 = von! s. FP-750 R399. : 1 Hotplate #34999 23999 set 2008 Depot 40 y Portable 3b 30 Monts, Cartridge Total Payable R052 J} Gas Stove 222 ale 179 MZ 2 nt q ; it "150 ibe SAVE "400 R179 #999 i) _ 73199 Pe ee | Seatiee e ae ete } RT te Tea Pyle i f Taal Pate R277 ae Te PoaieRI7E9 Total Pyale R607 ‘at 23.25% int. . = i at 23.25% Int. co (i Wet & Dry KKRCHER® F =] Vacuum <i Industrial Fan ‘Wet & Dr GISF-200 Cleseat, Vacuurn Gleaner pune Gutter * 160W < *100W ea LSB-3320 a ‘> Aran 6»

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