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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Sey ease Gees au Bc La Pea Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers, 2299, Save R200 > io Geo Depost 30. Deposit 400 ‘cach, R27 30 Month. R228» 36 Month. Assorted Depoat R60 Depost R120. Tea Pate 95 Pa Fb 0 Mont. if 30 Mon Nzsbe wt xan beer sesey) Tea Payable 63 Tea Payb 967 122505 It 82250 Homestead, UurRariT x 50cm Rene ae Home Gym Persian Rugs arade Squares * Mattresses, bedding and accessories not 133m x 2100m 240cm x 355em 10kg Dumb-Bells need R449, Save R50 Lats Barbell Bench . R1499, Save R200 50kg Barbell Set A 43 R2199, Save R200 Magnetic Bike . 5 R: }, Save R500 . SAVE ®1000 Depost R650. 00 x 36 Monts. Total Payable 11875, wea Peau Cee OU UU Ss 152cm_ Me Pag fawse ane * Guarantee uaran ee ina ALSO AVAILABLE. service % 17cm R499, Save R500 Warranty 137m 5799, Save R700 152cm FI5999, Save R800 152cm Austin Base Set = Service Warran * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a aa n Dagon U0. Storage Base Set 10-Year Service Warranty foes Pte R875, alfeattttior * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Baht 225 ne Service Warranty ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0861 11 3213 INU Een ee eae 8 © FoR Youn neanesr sToRE PLEASE VST OUR WEBSITE FACEBOOK PAGE. OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE Prices advertised are aplicable within South Africa ony. ntalment amounts played ince VA, interest cre fe insurance, morthl sevice ad indian fe, applicable, but exudes optional insurance and debery charges. Al credit applications are subject 3 ‘wan affordability assessmont as is requred by te NCA and tts Regulatons. Requirements for cred must exclude a copy of your klenity document, latest three paysips and/or bank statements, proot of reudence not olde than three months arwd monty agptcabons penaes. Depost may have to be pid subject oye cred assessment. SHES for cect ~ SMS coats Rt. Standard Ts & Cs apply. Lay-by is avadable on sclected products Minium depot of RIOD per iayy. Find any tm cheaper at any oer retailer, provide rth a current catalogue or quote and we wil hud thedilerence pus 5% ofthe flerence, on condition hat the identical product mast be stack a he tne afte local etal Tis offer however exclades Store Openings, Clearances ae Limited Guantity Fred canbe prchased rm ll of ou branches, some pads may abe on dopey nal sxe. Access play oe al payed sexta and ae ntincaed ne aorta pe. Slick and quan may be lind aor daceton. ts PPPS TS OPTS ers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce ther ID document. prof of eadence and a valid TV Licence as requeed by legislation. Calphone purchases are sujet to ICA requirements, Service Providers Ts & Gs ad i-soe actation. Should re cue a Penoe erat eed es enema. we il oly a otex sre wi al caer doa Esa masts eae Fart Frere tang arson ot Svpte resents an hard Ge Poet (NCRCPSOSO) and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732) Proud to be NCA comphant. Sod nye

Latest specials

Sey ease Gees au Bc La Pea Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers, 2299, Save R200 > io Geo Depost 30. Deposit 400 ‘cach, R27 30 Month. R228» 36 Month. Assorted Depoat R60 Depost R120. Tea Pate 95 Pa Fb 0 Mont. if 30 Mon Nzsbe wt xan beer sesey) Tea Payable 63 Tea Payb 967 122505 It 82250 Homestead, UurRariT x 50cm Rene ae Home Gym Persian Rugs arade Squares * Mattresses, bedding and accessories not 133m x 2100m 240cm x 355em 10kg Dumb-Bells need R449, Save R50 Lats Barbell Bench . R1499, Save R200 50kg Barbell Set A 43 R2199, Save R200 Magnetic Bike . 5 R: }, Save R500 . SAVE ®1000 Depost R650. 00 x 36 Monts. Total Payable 11875, wea Peau Cee OU UU Ss 152cm_ Me Pag fawse ane * Guarantee uaran ee ina ALSO AVAILABLE. service % 17cm R499, Save R500 Warranty 137m 5799, Save R700 152cm FI5999, Save R800 152cm Austin Base Set = Service Warran * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a aa n Dagon U0. Storage Base Set 10-Year Service Warranty foes Pte R875, alfeattttior * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Baht 225 ne Service Warranty ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0861 11 3213 INU Een ee eae 8 © FoR Youn neanesr sToRE PLEASE VST OUR WEBSITE FACEBOOK PAGE. OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE Prices advertised are aplicable within South Africa ony. ntalment amounts played ince VA, interest cre fe insurance, morthl sevice ad indian fe, applicable, but exudes optional insurance and debery charges. Al credit applications are subject 3 ‘wan affordability assessmont as is requred by te NCA and tts Regulatons. Requirements for cred must exclude a copy of your klenity document, latest three paysips and/or bank statements, proot of reudence not olde than three months arwd monty agptcabons penaes. Depost may have to be pid subject oye cred assessment. SHES for cect ~ SMS coats Rt. Standard Ts & Cs apply. Lay-by is avadable on sclected products Minium depot of RIOD per iayy. Find any tm cheaper at any oer retailer, provide rth a current catalogue or quote and we wil hud thedilerence pus 5% ofthe flerence, on condition hat the identical product mast be stack a he tne afte local etal Tis offer however exclades Store Openings, Clearances ae Limited Guantity Fred canbe prchased rm ll of ou branches, some pads may abe on dopey nal sxe. Access play oe al payed sexta and ae ntincaed ne aorta pe. Slick and quan may be lind aor daceton. ts PPPS TS OPTS ers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce ther ID document. prof of eadence and a valid TV Licence as requeed by legislation. Calphone purchases are sujet to ICA requirements, Service Providers Ts & Gs ad i-soe actation. Should re cue a Penoe erat eed es enema. we il oly a otex sre wi al caer doa Esa masts eae Fart Frere tang arson ot Svpte resents an hard Ge Poet (NCRCPSOSO) and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732) Proud to be NCA comphant. Sod nye

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