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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

W 820m 1D as0rm Univa Black 4-Piate Cable Stove U405B *2-Year Guarantee R16999 White Kettlo PSCKB45 cl R799 : luminium iriterim, Pot Set J7 alpen ita waoK o = = a +h eS CASH *2799 D White Twin-Tub Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine Washing Machine DTT169 Rats x3 DTL156 ial 5 8 2: Year Warranty wT PER MONTH X 30 Pee mney Sree HBS R3499 3-Plato © 3-Year Warranty R34999 R29999 bs CEFY) Brushed v ‘Steam tron Stainless Sis0s3 Steel Kotla See { Soon si7sow ROOM, Warranty S DOLPHIN y 16-Piece R R Staintoos 26999 39999 pos magneto Se LED 2.0 Soe nee tantorn oe EINHELL Battery & Charger 2.5Ah Starter Pack i Biacks-aumer 24799 - a Black 4-PI Compact Stove Onpont 050. Gas Ste Depot a0 beanie Berwin Seasee’e Fabre JoMoeths. Cable Stove goes a tapes DOSto Taligae in UNI6 wnahen zee” ea Near not included Warranty a Yon SAMSUNG f R2399 mirordoo, «= sR1249 R24999 Si Months, MEO113M1 pee ‘tal Pott sis. © TOOOW ‘eu Pte 04 M250%m—* 2-Year M2250 it ehe enneht aa Guarantee @e R ‘SbS-; SAMSUNG Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine R7999 eh Reale WAISTS2608Y | Aiea ae Sookerhood fone « 2-Year Guarantee) Maalfgaatr DCE “esa w 718 Hosen a Univa 109 30 Month Total Payable RSE 32250 It Steam fron ' si Manual Air Fryer RHI225 + 2200W f DAF70038 + 1300W 5 S ‘brother R749 2499 sowing Dagon 5 ean 2) Machine Payee Tota Paya aig 9820 at 225 nt EINHELL a Exit ipact Oi al *720W Electric Trimmer [ soso

Latest specials

W 820m 1D as0rm Univa Black 4-Piate Cable Stove U405B *2-Year Guarantee R16999 White Kettlo PSCKB45 cl R799 : luminium iriterim, Pot Set J7 alpen ita waoK o = = a +h eS CASH *2799 D White Twin-Tub Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine Washing Machine DTT169 Rats x3 DTL156 ial 5 8 2: Year Warranty wT PER MONTH X 30 Pee mney Sree HBS R3499 3-Plato © 3-Year Warranty R34999 R29999 bs CEFY) Brushed v ‘Steam tron Stainless Sis0s3 Steel Kotla See { Soon si7sow ROOM, Warranty S DOLPHIN y 16-Piece R R Staintoos 26999 39999 pos magneto Se LED 2.0 Soe nee tantorn oe EINHELL Battery & Charger 2.5Ah Starter Pack i Biacks-aumer 24799 - a Black 4-PI Compact Stove Onpont 050. Gas Ste Depot a0 beanie Berwin Seasee’e Fabre JoMoeths. Cable Stove goes a tapes DOSto Taligae in UNI6 wnahen zee” ea Near not included Warranty a Yon SAMSUNG f R2399 mirordoo, «= sR1249 R24999 Si Months, MEO113M1 pee ‘tal Pott sis. © TOOOW ‘eu Pte 04 M250%m—* 2-Year M2250 it ehe enneht aa Guarantee @e R ‘SbS-; SAMSUNG Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine R7999 eh Reale WAISTS2608Y | Aiea ae Sookerhood fone « 2-Year Guarantee) Maalfgaatr DCE “esa w 718 Hosen a Univa 109 30 Month Total Payable RSE 32250 It Steam fron ' si Manual Air Fryer RHI225 + 2200W f DAF70038 + 1300W 5 S ‘brother R749 2499 sowing Dagon 5 ean 2) Machine Payee Tota Paya aig 9820 at 225 nt EINHELL a Exit ipact Oi al *720W Electric Trimmer [ soso

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