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Current special Makro - Valid from 03.04 to 02.07 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 03.04.2023 - 02.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

DYN Aye cing MILK CHOCOLATE PY a cdi : Te P DECK 3 BAKERS Topper Cream Biscuits ‘OREO Biscuit Cookies (All voriont) 133g (All variants} 125 g ene ee JUNGLE Coreol Bors (All vorionty) $x 40g KELLOGG'S Granola Bors (All variant) 5's SOLEO Protzels (Al vorionts} 500 g seca, ston seer. gigs es aoe * Sasha od Std es ad Sg ACT Il Microwave Popcorn (All variants} 3's avowed ss : NESTLE Bor One Chocolate Bar 52g suas sorte, keel res ee | ee pase | eno | — haowaag | ay jecdaa| ae |e NESTLE Smarties, Tex, KitKot, Bor One or NESTLE Acro Chocolate Slobs AUIBI MAX Chocolate Bors Mikybor (All vorionts} 135-189 g (All vorionts) 125 g [NESTLE Chocolate Slobs (Al vartonts} 150. (All variants) 49 g 2. 15.2023 Mekre. OFF YMLA MORE 4 LESS Prorction voll ram Monday 2 April st Sunday 2 Ady 2023

Latest specials

DYN Aye cing MILK CHOCOLATE PY a cdi : Te P DECK 3 BAKERS Topper Cream Biscuits ‘OREO Biscuit Cookies (All voriont) 133g (All variants} 125 g ene ee JUNGLE Coreol Bors (All vorionty) $x 40g KELLOGG'S Granola Bors (All variant) 5's SOLEO Protzels (Al vorionts} 500 g seca, ston seer. gigs es aoe * Sasha od Std es ad Sg ACT Il Microwave Popcorn (All variants} 3's avowed ss : NESTLE Bor One Chocolate Bar 52g suas sorte, keel res ee | ee pase | eno | — haowaag | ay jecdaa| ae |e NESTLE Smarties, Tex, KitKot, Bor One or NESTLE Acro Chocolate Slobs AUIBI MAX Chocolate Bors Mikybor (All vorionts} 135-189 g (All vorionts) 125 g [NESTLE Chocolate Slobs (Al vartonts} 150. (All variants) 49 g 2. 15.2023 Mekre. OFF YMLA MORE 4 LESS Prorction voll ram Monday 2 April st Sunday 2 Ady 2023

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