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Current special Makro - Valid from 03.04 to 02.07 - Page nb 16

Special Makro 03.04.2023 - 02.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

‘Any 3 for R100 Any 2 for R180. aT os 1659 Red o- Souvignon DEUHEIM Pinotage Rosé <« Shiraz /Cabeeret ee ene oat) 1.x 750 ml (323102; 191204) Buy oll 3 cases {6} for R1500 2 for R300 Ag) (Ny: on ag ance ate ue Joie Rosé plus 6x750mi GROOT CONSTANTIA Lody (490769; 451461; 999154) Sbondonce 12750 i ah tahsey Both for R249. ‘CRUXLAND Gin Kalahari Trifles or Block Wintec Tales 1 x 750ml phe SCHWEPPES ‘Tonic Woter 1 ¢ (302197; 397047} Both for R269 BUND TIGER Original or Orange Gin ms FITCH & LEEDES Indion Tonic 1 ¢ 183; 401036) 2x6-Pock for R200, CASTE Dobe Mo Lager Nts 24 ue lop comes xl PRINGLES Original Potato Loger Briquettes Chips 100 g (425676; 403146008) ess 385259) VISIT MAKRO.CO.ZA FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE LIQUOR STORE TRADING HOURS [pea 16, 15.202 abo. OTP. YWRA MORE A LESS Prematon vel hor Meny 3 yl we end 2 ly 2022 “te car fier dence orel reg te ive og Sct oo vom litt, Miro wl have sur dock meet crip bree Bon rel ack we wl aterge te on the week cr oer you oreenonatie heron. Fo manke acannon ocbertient or cergtenkrraten i preted, we wl Sip ono re who he cere daa For bk goxks ony codertied rca pnt wil nk apy you buy teak ck, rc ince 15% VAT aed bee dap FY Any 2for R110 ‘Any 2for R250 ate = e NEDERBURG Classic Cabernet ov PAUL CLUVER Village Chardonnay or Sogn Boner Ses} 5750 ml BZ, Merlot 1 x 750 ml (438232; 438235) Pinot Noir 1 x 750 ml (402463; 270230) for R200 2for R200 Both for RIB9 on it AA a saa - a GIN SOCIETY (All vorionts) 1 x 750 it NEIL ELUS Groeniloot ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic Water 1 ¢ HARTENBERG. Vx 750 ml (970931) Blane 1 x 750 mt {825253} (437418; 437459; 437416; 437398) ‘Both for R349 AGN Cec arden Bry = Gr BULLDOG London Dry Gia 1% 750 DA VS Capos 1 750 mi Gin 1 x 750 ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic Woter RED SQUARE Relood Er Woter 1 x 1 ¢ (390905; 390938) 1 ¢ (313620) 6 x 275 enl (339863; 611 Buy 4 cases for R400 COUNT PUSHKIN Flavours [All varionts) 1 x750 ml plus EXTREME Cons 4x 440 BELGRAVIA Gin & Dry Lemon, Gin & ‘CASTE te and BRUTAL FRUIT Ruy Ape snl (269211; 396228; 269229; 269231; Pink Tonic or Gin & Toric NBS 4 x (24 ‘Cor 6 x 500 al hs PRINGLES Origin toto 390979; 437896; 392096) 275 md (92019; 39202; 392018) All for R100 Case of CASTE toger 24 340 mlx HANSA 24 1390 mi CASTE Ue 24 x 320 BRUTAL RUT feb pl 173 oh ond RNG FH Pred 97 Apple Nits 24 x 330 rel 972101; Senin nih saree ozo ree makro a #N@- / DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

Latest specials

‘Any 3 for R100 Any 2 for R180. aT os 1659 Red o- Souvignon DEUHEIM Pinotage Rosé <« Shiraz /Cabeeret ee ene oat) 1.x 750 ml (323102; 191204) Buy oll 3 cases {6} for R1500 2 for R300 Ag) (Ny: on ag ance ate ue Joie Rosé plus 6x750mi GROOT CONSTANTIA Lody (490769; 451461; 999154) Sbondonce 12750 i ah tahsey Both for R249. ‘CRUXLAND Gin Kalahari Trifles or Block Wintec Tales 1 x 750ml phe SCHWEPPES ‘Tonic Woter 1 ¢ (302197; 397047} Both for R269 BUND TIGER Original or Orange Gin ms FITCH & LEEDES Indion Tonic 1 ¢ 183; 401036) 2x6-Pock for R200, CASTE Dobe Mo Lager Nts 24 ue lop comes xl PRINGLES Original Potato Loger Briquettes Chips 100 g (425676; 403146008) ess 385259) VISIT MAKRO.CO.ZA FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE LIQUOR STORE TRADING HOURS [pea 16, 15.202 abo. OTP. YWRA MORE A LESS Prematon vel hor Meny 3 yl we end 2 ly 2022 “te car fier dence orel reg te ive og Sct oo vom litt, Miro wl have sur dock meet crip bree Bon rel ack we wl aterge te on the week cr oer you oreenonatie heron. Fo manke acannon ocbertient or cergtenkrraten i preted, we wl Sip ono re who he cere daa For bk goxks ony codertied rca pnt wil nk apy you buy teak ck, rc ince 15% VAT aed bee dap FY Any 2for R110 ‘Any 2for R250 ate = e NEDERBURG Classic Cabernet ov PAUL CLUVER Village Chardonnay or Sogn Boner Ses} 5750 ml BZ, Merlot 1 x 750 ml (438232; 438235) Pinot Noir 1 x 750 ml (402463; 270230) for R200 2for R200 Both for RIB9 on it AA a saa - a GIN SOCIETY (All vorionts) 1 x 750 it NEIL ELUS Groeniloot ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic Water 1 ¢ HARTENBERG. Vx 750 ml (970931) Blane 1 x 750 mt {825253} (437418; 437459; 437416; 437398) ‘Both for R349 AGN Cec arden Bry = Gr BULLDOG London Dry Gia 1% 750 DA VS Capos 1 750 mi Gin 1 x 750 ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic ml plus SCHWEPPES Tonic Woter RED SQUARE Relood Er Woter 1 x 1 ¢ (390905; 390938) 1 ¢ (313620) 6 x 275 enl (339863; 611 Buy 4 cases for R400 COUNT PUSHKIN Flavours [All varionts) 1 x750 ml plus EXTREME Cons 4x 440 BELGRAVIA Gin & Dry Lemon, Gin & ‘CASTE te and BRUTAL FRUIT Ruy Ape snl (269211; 396228; 269229; 269231; Pink Tonic or Gin & Toric NBS 4 x (24 ‘Cor 6 x 500 al hs PRINGLES Origin toto 390979; 437896; 392096) 275 md (92019; 39202; 392018) All for R100 Case of CASTE toger 24 340 mlx HANSA 24 1390 mi CASTE Ue 24 x 320 BRUTAL RUT feb pl 173 oh ond RNG FH Pred 97 Apple Nits 24 x 330 rel 972101; Senin nih saree ozo ree makro a #N@- / DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

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