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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 19

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

| Veti 2 1-Lever 1-Way Switch + Poste (866981; 266984) | Dever 1-Wey Switch (366962; 3669871 55 oes Veti 2 Euro USB SAVE 50 SAVE 20 Single Socket eee Geaer | 249 | amines —. LIT ib Ampe 16 Amp Eero | Glee bod rate caseres, 2ce00n 59 ens 222 si Single ah wich 225016 Amp» ovble Rosh wich ee ee (36696; (366999, 67001) * Colour: lack er white e tlic mx 1.5 om (12889) 1 9D sos Extension Reel £20.15 me (452467) Sey ALVA ‘seein aT ex mm TAH | 2x20 WILED Tripod 7 | 6 Way Multiplug 3m | 2A9 wy | Workiere : “ | 20x 1S mm 74752 | Tiss itas Gane + 1x8 mp | Fadel BWNGNT « 33.16 Amp ' Lieto oer Rel eR ek iso"? Ore * Clr white +216 Ame ‘ A AOSV eee sel Sy POWERALESS Uses only VAS ATS KR Wai) CTT eit) Cag Pomc ‘mi ' 12.¢Gas Water Heater \ daasin ea) 16 ¢Gas Water Heater { ue A999 oar _ Cartpeelavaa: £78 ey howr ch nso + Opretns peters 24 Oa, | SSSR 71 mets Dia LE tompotts dps fxcdes slion 200 ¢ Integrated Heat Pump/Geyser Er ia Sar va { Woterecld pio 70°" Syeorned warranty «Exes nin 452468) Convert 150 ¢ electrical geyser into a PAE Dane ati cra ° a : ON Toney 150 ¢ Geyser * Energy ating “B+ Horizontal or vertical nstlaion + Ready for solar eft or ea SESS rhe eed Sear werony wee Elon Retrofit Kit (Tile/2-Panel) | #2.x-470 W solar panels * 1 x Elon 100 * Run on/off grid * No inverter or battery needed + Comecs to lcd geyser = Excludes ination (253907) (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 19 “Tegan teva done nd were. Sin elise wl oe iin he xe dead. ec of gpd on irs nc il ours et he hw sii iimeren ied ene ses Sel tak cn he her toy see sng ae sora sok el ko le weiss Snr eo yors (Gepebbedenposl Senae st he re pee echo by oy peg fa de hy Sepang an csiriomeo Rongee eng ch ‘Ely «note ip re wih al he cect dacs For Go pay ey eden pic pr wl ony psy dys by stn peck. Pes ec excess wel fer Gop purposes onde Ewe cr he {Bey wat tery l ey he Gbckal ees spe stot Ei Rosas rey bs os kr Freel ae REP Une aa wee otal fede hk Feng Mal Cc Scsomer "Honky ln vi ord er tonne’ pono arcs ol ees Tl Repo Pal co fe, co porn mre od iret 218: “eres es er scbfed to chrge, Al ics ove inielon ond ccc pyres ay wry bowed an ccd sxy ews albedo Phenge bod on cia fk fre, Repo opts Revolsing, 24-month bodget ond 36-monh bedgee Powered by RES. a regustered Credit ond cuthorinedl Poncial Services Provider NCRCP 38/F3P.

Latest specials

| Veti 2 1-Lever 1-Way Switch + Poste (866981; 266984) | Dever 1-Wey Switch (366962; 3669871 55 oes Veti 2 Euro USB SAVE 50 SAVE 20 Single Socket eee Geaer | 249 | amines —. LIT ib Ampe 16 Amp Eero | Glee bod rate caseres, 2ce00n 59 ens 222 si Single ah wich 225016 Amp» ovble Rosh wich ee ee (36696; (366999, 67001) * Colour: lack er white e tlic mx 1.5 om (12889) 1 9D sos Extension Reel £20.15 me (452467) Sey ALVA ‘seein aT ex mm TAH | 2x20 WILED Tripod 7 | 6 Way Multiplug 3m | 2A9 wy | Workiere : “ | 20x 1S mm 74752 | Tiss itas Gane + 1x8 mp | Fadel BWNGNT « 33.16 Amp ' Lieto oer Rel eR ek iso"? Ore * Clr white +216 Ame ‘ A AOSV eee sel Sy POWERALESS Uses only VAS ATS KR Wai) CTT eit) Cag Pomc ‘mi ' 12.¢Gas Water Heater \ daasin ea) 16 ¢Gas Water Heater { ue A999 oar _ Cartpeelavaa: £78 ey howr ch nso + Opretns peters 24 Oa, | SSSR 71 mets Dia LE tompotts dps fxcdes slion 200 ¢ Integrated Heat Pump/Geyser Er ia Sar va { Woterecld pio 70°" Syeorned warranty «Exes nin 452468) Convert 150 ¢ electrical geyser into a PAE Dane ati cra ° a : ON Toney 150 ¢ Geyser * Energy ating “B+ Horizontal or vertical nstlaion + Ready for solar eft or ea SESS rhe eed Sear werony wee Elon Retrofit Kit (Tile/2-Panel) | #2.x-470 W solar panels * 1 x Elon 100 * Run on/off grid * No inverter or battery needed + Comecs to lcd geyser = Excludes ination (253907) (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 19 “Tegan teva done nd were. Sin elise wl oe iin he xe dead. ec of gpd on irs nc il ours et he hw sii iimeren ied ene ses Sel tak cn he her toy see sng ae sora sok el ko le weiss Snr eo yors (Gepebbedenposl Senae st he re pee echo by oy peg fa de hy Sepang an csiriomeo Rongee eng ch ‘Ely «note ip re wih al he cect dacs For Go pay ey eden pic pr wl ony psy dys by stn peck. Pes ec excess wel fer Gop purposes onde Ewe cr he {Bey wat tery l ey he Gbckal ees spe stot Ei Rosas rey bs os kr Freel ae REP Une aa wee otal fede hk Feng Mal Cc Scsomer "Honky ln vi ord er tonne’ pono arcs ol ees Tl Repo Pal co fe, co porn mre od iret 218: “eres es er scbfed to chrge, Al ics ove inielon ond ccc pyres ay wry bowed an ccd sxy ews albedo Phenge bod on cia fk fre, Repo opts Revolsing, 24-month bodget ond 36-monh bedgee Powered by RES. a regustered Credit ond cuthorinedl Poncial Services Provider NCRCP 38/F3P.

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