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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 15

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

PAINT AND ACCESSORIES Avan OT SAVE 150 (035736) + 111036334 299 + * Colour: silver * Exterior « Gloss + Coverage: 8-10 m?/é SAVE 100 5 ¢ Brick Dressin, Colour: dor + Intro exterior * Bick, slasto * Gloss * Coverage: 8-10 m/e (189350) Polycell Polyfilla | Polyiila as “as | 45 | 500 g Sugar Soap Powder each 2 kg Polyfilla Interior or Exterior Crack Filler + Colour: white * Wolls and ceilings (690565; 630539), 100 mm Maestro Paint Brush (452992) + 75mm 452997 45 ea 1mm (453008) 25 cosh + 50mm 459016) 35 cots fo long foment» Exrs pis heding copecy a le cppction Of spent peed 225 mm DIY Valve Tra * Consists of pont ray, roller WW 25/3730 me bh se ond soning seu B6P99E ‘economy roller rfl, 2.5 m Roller Extension Pole 807 “To smn mewords dowelod od eis on he Card opp. Spy o notes srs wih ole sored ceo Fr GA pats ery rtd pro perv ese eae wl rte ce ol ay hb pe ineret 318, "res ‘A ce ore inten onde ey ore sabe to chonge peers Revolsing, 24-month bodget ond 36-monh bedgee Powered by RES. a regustered Credit ond cuthorinedl Poncial Services Provider NCRCP 38/F3P. | GENKEM a.coun) COLD GLUE BNEIY) aT | 5¢Contact Adhesive | 449 A 19 Basar += Roof orees, box gules, poropet walls ftigtog peice, la wie et ek ne peldemed Scho ren feintede e a sei et pin ep a le incl tir cng he ro 2 Sees empl eran wh ere Ps elt bert tS Se cle pd pce on nan me oem ey eed ‘he edertament Monat nonce Mitel Yodel ik Fnoneng, Malve Cad Same: "honiy asian ines card es, eon presen macrence S@ POWAFIX Kul Moan =I LMetal Point wacom | O29 | IQkg All Purpose Crack Filler | 199 | Soceieii : scons Menino oa iS Sten seas Polycell 5 | . SugarSoap wh EY) 1 ama Teoma PRO-MASTER FIRED EARTH” 250 mm x 10 m Poly Membrane (893399) ly 80 ml Colour Bu Burst __§__.._—___—_. * Colour: ojorted « ra ia Sietiondard whe pam raat cod wee to + Woter/solvet isavrra,4an010 29752 f29759; 429783; 429767, 429772; 429775; 429780; 429785; 429787; 432008) + 500 mm x 10 m (893763) 79) coc Colour: white + Exterior 48 mm x 40 m = Tape * Marking off fe for poing (137993) Gam as Ps PP =s 260 ml Contractors Acrylic 2 Drop Sh x 3 m Drop Sheet 1 ecblo sed wosselle selon 190862 400147) (2530346) (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 202315 makro my ho lit Tenge alle we ron at of sack of goes on or we wl anemones ecko oll you yeu be ble post Pcs exc occas waar doplay purposes on inde TSE VA Howe lr he Bd on Ruhoised Finocel Serves Poi [FS> Leesa No. 29726 anderonten by nr of 21%" Repel card le, esr protec surance od ‘oy wary based on arcu ety. Fos ube Change based sn casomer rk pcie Repaman! ptns

Latest specials

PAINT AND ACCESSORIES Avan OT SAVE 150 (035736) + 111036334 299 + * Colour: silver * Exterior « Gloss + Coverage: 8-10 m?/é SAVE 100 5 ¢ Brick Dressin, Colour: dor + Intro exterior * Bick, slasto * Gloss * Coverage: 8-10 m/e (189350) Polycell Polyfilla | Polyiila as “as | 45 | 500 g Sugar Soap Powder each 2 kg Polyfilla Interior or Exterior Crack Filler + Colour: white * Wolls and ceilings (690565; 630539), 100 mm Maestro Paint Brush (452992) + 75mm 452997 45 ea 1mm (453008) 25 cosh + 50mm 459016) 35 cots fo long foment» Exrs pis heding copecy a le cppction Of spent peed 225 mm DIY Valve Tra * Consists of pont ray, roller WW 25/3730 me bh se ond soning seu B6P99E ‘economy roller rfl, 2.5 m Roller Extension Pole 807 “To smn mewords dowelod od eis on he Card opp. Spy o notes srs wih ole sored ceo Fr GA pats ery rtd pro perv ese eae wl rte ce ol ay hb pe ineret 318, "res ‘A ce ore inten onde ey ore sabe to chonge peers Revolsing, 24-month bodget ond 36-monh bedgee Powered by RES. a regustered Credit ond cuthorinedl Poncial Services Provider NCRCP 38/F3P. | GENKEM a.coun) COLD GLUE BNEIY) aT | 5¢Contact Adhesive | 449 A 19 Basar += Roof orees, box gules, poropet walls ftigtog peice, la wie et ek ne peldemed Scho ren feintede e a sei et pin ep a le incl tir cng he ro 2 Sees empl eran wh ere Ps elt bert tS Se cle pd pce on nan me oem ey eed ‘he edertament Monat nonce Mitel Yodel ik Fnoneng, Malve Cad Same: "honiy asian ines card es, eon presen macrence S@ POWAFIX Kul Moan =I LMetal Point wacom | O29 | IQkg All Purpose Crack Filler | 199 | Soceieii : scons Menino oa iS Sten seas Polycell 5 | . SugarSoap wh EY) 1 ama Teoma PRO-MASTER FIRED EARTH” 250 mm x 10 m Poly Membrane (893399) ly 80 ml Colour Bu Burst __§__.._—___—_. * Colour: ojorted « ra ia Sietiondard whe pam raat cod wee to + Woter/solvet isavrra,4an010 29752 f29759; 429783; 429767, 429772; 429775; 429780; 429785; 429787; 432008) + 500 mm x 10 m (893763) 79) coc Colour: white + Exterior 48 mm x 40 m = Tape * Marking off fe for poing (137993) Gam as Ps PP =s 260 ml Contractors Acrylic 2 Drop Sh x 3 m Drop Sheet 1 ecblo sed wosselle selon 190862 400147) (2530346) (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 202315 makro my ho lit Tenge alle we ron at of sack of goes on or we wl anemones ecko oll you yeu be ble post Pcs exc occas waar doplay purposes on inde TSE VA Howe lr he Bd on Ruhoised Finocel Serves Poi [FS> Leesa No. 29726 anderonten by nr of 21%" Repel card le, esr protec surance od ‘oy wary based on arcu ety. Fos ube Change based sn casomer rk pcie Repaman! ptns

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