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Current special Makro - Valid from 23.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 23.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

COE Uwe tere "1 wil fi af } St momma YOUU UY serge aly — ~ 7 in| -tool and 24-Piece 3/8” Socket Set Piece Screwdiver Set SAVESO. | Aluminium Toreh and SAVE 70 |‘ Stnoeetsaaria SAS. SAVE OO she ee Ss ° g Fiberglass SERS Knife Set ates 317/92, 1/4, 5718, aU - Hammer r + Medak GSUOO122 7 Spec mete short orem cE an tn SES Sas aT 44s, 9¢ fasten mone Sesion aor —— p be ik . ae ions a GRIP 70-Piece Professional . ove e it 39-Piece Tool Set Mechanic rE eisai, SAVE 500 | 1SStREICU names SAVE 1000 | Sees el Set save 190 | Mechanic Joolset © 1043/8" drive 12 point wall sachets ae O/B" BAT" dete sche = 25 gael dor bom eiy bite ated + bnchediow: 1/2" Debvw CRY chromed with, Te ase ae ral Fpl oafergicn lye Terie deasoectepents TR ee Sy > / fate 50Q0Q Maire es gs Lecco Seer ADD | exer DIO? | wincmaroe SPD eer end 4 Saggt o et prn cients, ’ hae pee eat ey ee el bas Scan the QR code to find out more-about Mastercraft and the BK feo idl) a <a 1, LI TN A ALB 19-Piece 1/2” Drive Socket Set + Md: 9900000 Piece 1/2" Drive Tool Set TES Sree vad ef oe eae bes: Orem rood tl 2 revere och 14 hex mai ‘Sort exh pork gg intr 18 mom 18m, 29 om cardan jt cemneton ; rs - . « Wroh ean {5 390 men Wee pore ond 33-Piece 1/4” Socket Set fove anc (ZA-Pince 1/2" Socket Set Gare ann. | “Wernham hn en, serves on ren SAVE 206 Tiedt 390005 save 300 24Piece,1/ SAVE 400 | Seni Sdoreusurikeonsreu SAVE 13: + gee Chrome vorcon seal Lever change riche with 17 pace vckas hag ier 340 “ Kirersiureciay 2 icacenthen, ap lpcipgilaenadaiee gam, Rayment 29400 metric, short bah © never fe + Extension bars 125 men and 250 mm s,s (aasevy) . U 2 ++ Squore playin honda In hendy carry cove 4 + Thandie, ve os = * aurea - bbvenn 3-Piece nda 180 en OE inepoow * 180m VOE combaton pit ond 140 xm GEDOREV ge, SAVE 300 Creeper 905, ’ 5 Z Borer tog rai 7 S99 | 1299 Tienes cee ton Dae a a ath (6 40/2022 Mokro DIP/TM_MKNIGNA3. Promotion vai from Friday 23 September to Sunday 9 October 2022

Latest specials

COE Uwe tere "1 wil fi af } St momma YOUU UY serge aly — ~ 7 in| -tool and 24-Piece 3/8” Socket Set Piece Screwdiver Set SAVESO. | Aluminium Toreh and SAVE 70 |‘ Stnoeetsaaria SAS. SAVE OO she ee Ss ° g Fiberglass SERS Knife Set ates 317/92, 1/4, 5718, aU - Hammer r + Medak GSUOO122 7 Spec mete short orem cE an tn SES Sas aT 44s, 9¢ fasten mone Sesion aor —— p be ik . ae ions a GRIP 70-Piece Professional . ove e it 39-Piece Tool Set Mechanic rE eisai, SAVE 500 | 1SStREICU names SAVE 1000 | Sees el Set save 190 | Mechanic Joolset © 1043/8" drive 12 point wall sachets ae O/B" BAT" dete sche = 25 gael dor bom eiy bite ated + bnchediow: 1/2" Debvw CRY chromed with, Te ase ae ral Fpl oafergicn lye Terie deasoectepents TR ee Sy > / fate 50Q0Q Maire es gs Lecco Seer ADD | exer DIO? | wincmaroe SPD eer end 4 Saggt o et prn cients, ’ hae pee eat ey ee el bas Scan the QR code to find out more-about Mastercraft and the BK feo idl) a <a 1, LI TN A ALB 19-Piece 1/2” Drive Socket Set + Md: 9900000 Piece 1/2" Drive Tool Set TES Sree vad ef oe eae bes: Orem rood tl 2 revere och 14 hex mai ‘Sort exh pork gg intr 18 mom 18m, 29 om cardan jt cemneton ; rs - . « Wroh ean {5 390 men Wee pore ond 33-Piece 1/4” Socket Set fove anc (ZA-Pince 1/2" Socket Set Gare ann. | “Wernham hn en, serves on ren SAVE 206 Tiedt 390005 save 300 24Piece,1/ SAVE 400 | Seni Sdoreusurikeonsreu SAVE 13: + gee Chrome vorcon seal Lever change riche with 17 pace vckas hag ier 340 “ Kirersiureciay 2 icacenthen, ap lpcipgilaenadaiee gam, Rayment 29400 metric, short bah © never fe + Extension bars 125 men and 250 mm s,s (aasevy) . U 2 ++ Squore playin honda In hendy carry cove 4 + Thandie, ve os = * aurea - bbvenn 3-Piece nda 180 en OE inepoow * 180m VOE combaton pit ond 140 xm GEDOREV ge, SAVE 300 Creeper 905, ’ 5 Z Borer tog rai 7 S99 | 1299 Tienes cee ton Dae a a ath (6 40/2022 Mokro DIP/TM_MKNIGNA3. Promotion vai from Friday 23 September to Sunday 9 October 2022

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