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Current special Makro - Valid from 23.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 23.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

ne s ¢Splash Wash Plus Wax Car Shampoo + Ces, show und wars = Prevent nt 1 Sole ened pont hiths » Ramerns gre and grime jason ee 89 each 1) Tyre Gel arse Pret @ Bennett Road X1R2000 Pressure Washer KARCHER : _—— cenceeee aoe 149 K2.360 High-Pressure Cleaner sae eeertet ‘och “Ire 120 be SAVE 300 | Stirrebrivem'™* SAVE 500 asco stew = + Preweere hove: 3.0» * _— phield Sealant SORT ae srl, i od oc hod naa 750 ml Sheen Xtreme ad 1699 | 2799 iat ‘fe od ine 79 nase an ech “+ ‘sts’ slea? snes. Sti: 30090 on = SAVE 40 299 Large Front Rubber Mat 1 5380 BY 500 mm fnamsssz, bara) Ean 599 och 2) 500 Amp Heavy-Duty Reenter Coble * Sab fr bots 12 V ord 24 Vay tems | Lange Jom © 12.56 mat copper $100 seonde x 0.4 mm O13TS) _ 1) 5 €GTX 20w: 0 Motor Oil Weer Soe mer beet Poona bg HCL Seeged Che od mand Feld Sane cs WEBCT IAT aa Castrol) YSN DTT sad 2) 5 cMognatec 1OW-40 Enc taikwaee High speed engin tc + AIM 2133201) 499 2s SAVE 50 Tedown, 229 over per 2:pock 2) Ratchet Tie Down * Mord: MOTETE OTOP) 499 syns Siw: 28 m2 35 mm Pawecoumd "5" books Pabe Soest lod p99 227 kg SAVE 300 12am Batery Cherge, 999 ees z 30 Amp Battery Charger SIAN ARV chores © 30 ep mien 4 tecudes 159 op eogine sorer 01338) 1999 » 500 ml Premium Shromen die sage oieea Safegui} 1) 1 kg Fire Extinguisher with Bracket Tang S018 inetaah SAVE 50 299 SO reason 799 a» 50 ¢ Dual Cylinder SAVE 300 Air Compressor Tee apirtammatmcpirn VLID “Iowan itll hn yh lodges waa (avery 40/2022 Mokro DTP/TM_MKNTGM43. Promotion valid from Fridey 29 Seplember o Sunday 9 October 2022 5 makro #

Latest specials

ne s ¢Splash Wash Plus Wax Car Shampoo + Ces, show und wars = Prevent nt 1 Sole ened pont hiths » Ramerns gre and grime jason ee 89 each 1) Tyre Gel arse Pret @ Bennett Road X1R2000 Pressure Washer KARCHER : _—— cenceeee aoe 149 K2.360 High-Pressure Cleaner sae eeertet ‘och “Ire 120 be SAVE 300 | Stirrebrivem'™* SAVE 500 asco stew = + Preweere hove: 3.0» * _— phield Sealant SORT ae srl, i od oc hod naa 750 ml Sheen Xtreme ad 1699 | 2799 iat ‘fe od ine 79 nase an ech “+ ‘sts’ slea? snes. Sti: 30090 on = SAVE 40 299 Large Front Rubber Mat 1 5380 BY 500 mm fnamsssz, bara) Ean 599 och 2) 500 Amp Heavy-Duty Reenter Coble * Sab fr bots 12 V ord 24 Vay tems | Lange Jom © 12.56 mat copper $100 seonde x 0.4 mm O13TS) _ 1) 5 €GTX 20w: 0 Motor Oil Weer Soe mer beet Poona bg HCL Seeged Che od mand Feld Sane cs WEBCT IAT aa Castrol) YSN DTT sad 2) 5 cMognatec 1OW-40 Enc taikwaee High speed engin tc + AIM 2133201) 499 2s SAVE 50 Tedown, 229 over per 2:pock 2) Ratchet Tie Down * Mord: MOTETE OTOP) 499 syns Siw: 28 m2 35 mm Pawecoumd "5" books Pabe Soest lod p99 227 kg SAVE 300 12am Batery Cherge, 999 ees z 30 Amp Battery Charger SIAN ARV chores © 30 ep mien 4 tecudes 159 op eogine sorer 01338) 1999 » 500 ml Premium Shromen die sage oieea Safegui} 1) 1 kg Fire Extinguisher with Bracket Tang S018 inetaah SAVE 50 299 SO reason 799 a» 50 ¢ Dual Cylinder SAVE 300 Air Compressor Tee apirtammatmcpirn VLID “Iowan itll hn yh lodges waa (avery 40/2022 Mokro DTP/TM_MKNTGM43. Promotion valid from Fridey 29 Seplember o Sunday 9 October 2022 5 makro #

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