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Current special Makro - Valid from 30.01 to 19.02 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 30.01.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

25's All Purpose 5-Pack Micro | 69 | Wipes Rolls 3-Pack Fibre Cloths «Speed spor * Colour 40 50m aay * Antibacterial (227772) Lisl (399750) i | Long Handle Dust Securilock Soft Broom i | Pan and Brush Set eiNa8 (7777 | | EEE oma { er Comfi Grip Dust Pan or Toilet 1 2 9 Brush Set (52002; 13171) sami SAVE 100 25 ¢ Swing or 1 99 Lift Bin (440049; 440075) 60 ¢ Bigga Bin (2356) 8 MKNIGMA91_6/2023 Mokro DTP_Promotion valid from Monday 30 Jonvory to Sunday 19 February 2023 ot ho dct ek nn rp ered Sc co rho ls nn Mo wl prc i ey he gp gala. rect snc gos on lor, wo atomio i repre Secor 4 ia ‘ ‘eyo roped oe por rho Reston bans ger : Deamon - Sip orn ts a ‘i edo doy pep edie TSE wuorten ted f Foked c i lhe clos cord eet [roleclon msfone and rate 021 he aso abe ate clog boned conor ik pele. epee opsom Recing 2 moh Sorted Cod cd ooh Final Saves Pv: NRCP S/F a

Latest specials

25's All Purpose 5-Pack Micro | 69 | Wipes Rolls 3-Pack Fibre Cloths «Speed spor * Colour 40 50m aay * Antibacterial (227772) Lisl (399750) i | Long Handle Dust Securilock Soft Broom i | Pan and Brush Set eiNa8 (7777 | | EEE oma { er Comfi Grip Dust Pan or Toilet 1 2 9 Brush Set (52002; 13171) sami SAVE 100 25 ¢ Swing or 1 99 Lift Bin (440049; 440075) 60 ¢ Bigga Bin (2356) 8 MKNIGMA91_6/2023 Mokro DTP_Promotion valid from Monday 30 Jonvory to Sunday 19 February 2023 ot ho dct ek nn rp ered Sc co rho ls nn Mo wl prc i ey he gp gala. rect snc gos on lor, wo atomio i repre Secor 4 ia ‘ ‘eyo roped oe por rho Reston bans ger : Deamon - Sip orn ts a ‘i edo doy pep edie TSE wuorten ted f Foked c i lhe clos cord eet [roleclon msfone and rate 021 he aso abe ate clog boned conor ik pele. epee opsom Recing 2 moh Sorted Cod cd ooh Final Saves Pv: NRCP S/F a

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