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Current special Makro - Valid from 30.01 to 19.02 - Page nb 7

Special Makro 30.01.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 200 hh each Hl Lithium-Ion Dust Buster Vacuum Cleaner * Model: WDA315-QW + Available t selected SAVE 100 stores or online (4or018) @EIGER 30 ¢ Prime Series Drum Vacuum + Mode: E6-FCDV003 + Flrotion: Cloth Filler HEPA * Blower union (440722) 11999 Ce DETTOL 4-in-1 Disinfectant Floor and all Pr Cl Peper leone Moppit or Chenille Mop Spritza Floor Cleaner iaaisee SAVE 50 Co) "1 199 | / @ Bennett Read 12 ¢ Tough 12 Evo “od MNDISE 1000-12" + Wetdry-blow vacuum system + 4m Power cord 437733) aa Cyclovac Vacuum eat | 1199 | + Wd: 20GC? + Boles eyoieotion + 4-stage filtration + Available a selected stores or online (266543) KARCHER SC2 EasyFix Steam Cleaner = Model: SC2.500C-EASY FIX + 2-stoge steam flow control ‘+ 2m steam hose with rigger gun + Child safety lock (261999), SAVE 300 HANDY ANDY Floor Cleaner Tile and Floor Al vere Cleaner {All variants) 15¢ MKNTGM491_06/2023 Makro DTP Promotion volid from Monday 30 Janvory to Sunday 19 February 2023. 7 “To eam Rewards downoad ond register onthe mod opp, Sie! oa ed Kon, Mako wil have sient stock meet onkcpated demand. Slck of ll goods on fei nied. Make ‘wl genre fot ey have sic ack to meet ancl damand. Malo inl Ue te reoenbl flrs discontinue ew fer ox saan os ack sno longer evisble. we ron out of sock of ‘deeds on sla we il hep fo cain rsove ack 6 fle you greosonbla ond comporable cern wth he same pred spectators bu wikesquoroniecing he dacoo/sfor fhe Spi pass Vata witty ede genen daylutoe pel hs cone erence tether Sl vo ot Bee eit Rc Sd a A es Sa ea se Cie Bag ae eat et re eae pt ec Tegel oe pcs ag ed epaabetae ener atts tft a ra ee aa ee Ra ng, 24 month budge ond domooh bedpet Powered by RCS, oreguerad Cedi and ouhorned Financial Senses Mower NONCP 29/8

Latest specials

SAVE 200 hh each Hl Lithium-Ion Dust Buster Vacuum Cleaner * Model: WDA315-QW + Available t selected SAVE 100 stores or online (4or018) @EIGER 30 ¢ Prime Series Drum Vacuum + Mode: E6-FCDV003 + Flrotion: Cloth Filler HEPA * Blower union (440722) 11999 Ce DETTOL 4-in-1 Disinfectant Floor and all Pr Cl Peper leone Moppit or Chenille Mop Spritza Floor Cleaner iaaisee SAVE 50 Co) "1 199 | / @ Bennett Read 12 ¢ Tough 12 Evo “od MNDISE 1000-12" + Wetdry-blow vacuum system + 4m Power cord 437733) aa Cyclovac Vacuum eat | 1199 | + Wd: 20GC? + Boles eyoieotion + 4-stage filtration + Available a selected stores or online (266543) KARCHER SC2 EasyFix Steam Cleaner = Model: SC2.500C-EASY FIX + 2-stoge steam flow control ‘+ 2m steam hose with rigger gun + Child safety lock (261999), SAVE 300 HANDY ANDY Floor Cleaner Tile and Floor Al vere Cleaner {All variants) 15¢ MKNTGM491_06/2023 Makro DTP Promotion volid from Monday 30 Janvory to Sunday 19 February 2023. 7 “To eam Rewards downoad ond register onthe mod opp, Sie! oa ed Kon, Mako wil have sient stock meet onkcpated demand. Slck of ll goods on fei nied. Make ‘wl genre fot ey have sic ack to meet ancl damand. Malo inl Ue te reoenbl flrs discontinue ew fer ox saan os ack sno longer evisble. we ron out of sock of ‘deeds on sla we il hep fo cain rsove ack 6 fle you greosonbla ond comporable cern wth he same pred spectators bu wikesquoroniecing he dacoo/sfor fhe Spi pass Vata witty ede genen daylutoe pel hs cone erence tether Sl vo ot Bee eit Rc Sd a A es Sa ea se Cie Bag ae eat et re eae pt ec Tegel oe pcs ag ed epaabetae ener atts tft a ra ee aa ee Ra ng, 24 month budge ond domooh bedpet Powered by RCS, oreguerad Cedi and ouhorned Financial Senses Mower NONCP 29/8

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