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Current special Makro - Valid from 01.10 to 31.12 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 01.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Any 4 for R65 Cees ES ee aves to RIG2S pyorah ee pasa yesennen PEPSI, MIRINDA, MOUNTAIN DEW, 7 UP FREE or PEPS! MAX Soft Drinks Non Returnable Bottle (All variants) 12 x 330 ml 4 for R50) 2 for RAS ‘Bequates to 812.50 p/nith Tequoivt bo 827.50 pirat z Som pint nied uate re a x a a oi ee SNOW sHow Lath Woe Tans tones aidaa SOS wea MAGGI Noodles ACE Super Maizo, WHITE STAR Boef, Cheese, Chicken, Durban Quick Cook or Maize Meal Sa eres Citta Reece ‘SELATI Creom of Maize 2:5 kg NO VAT king Snow or Castor Snow 500 g 2 for R200) Any 5 for R65: 2 for RIO egos 0 100 pli equates o R13 pis Repstes 830 pla aa —_ a 22 BASSO LAFAMILA Olive Ol 1 ¢ Coconut Oil 1 ¢ CES we Hae KELLOGG'S Noodles Beef, Cheese, ‘SPEKKO Chicken, Durbon 3 ‘EXCELLA Bosmati Extro: Groin Vegetable Curry 5 x Rice Porboiled 2 kg NO VAT White Rice 1 kg VAT - a Ee Raa = SEC Temnatt socen ARO Marinades (All variants) 2.¢ 4440/2022 Melew OTF 18A, MORE 4 USS_01/10/2022 91/12/2077 wanton?

Latest specials

Any 4 for R65 Cees ES ee aves to RIG2S pyorah ee pasa yesennen PEPSI, MIRINDA, MOUNTAIN DEW, 7 UP FREE or PEPS! MAX Soft Drinks Non Returnable Bottle (All variants) 12 x 330 ml 4 for R50) 2 for RAS ‘Bequates to 812.50 p/nith Tequoivt bo 827.50 pirat z Som pint nied uate re a x a a oi ee SNOW sHow Lath Woe Tans tones aidaa SOS wea MAGGI Noodles ACE Super Maizo, WHITE STAR Boef, Cheese, Chicken, Durban Quick Cook or Maize Meal Sa eres Citta Reece ‘SELATI Creom of Maize 2:5 kg NO VAT king Snow or Castor Snow 500 g 2 for R200) Any 5 for R65: 2 for RIO egos 0 100 pli equates o R13 pis Repstes 830 pla aa —_ a 22 BASSO LAFAMILA Olive Ol 1 ¢ Coconut Oil 1 ¢ CES we Hae KELLOGG'S Noodles Beef, Cheese, ‘SPEKKO Chicken, Durbon 3 ‘EXCELLA Bosmati Extro: Groin Vegetable Curry 5 x Rice Porboiled 2 kg NO VAT White Rice 1 kg VAT - a Ee Raa = SEC Temnatt socen ARO Marinades (All variants) 2.¢ 4440/2022 Melew OTF 18A, MORE 4 USS_01/10/2022 91/12/2077 wanton?

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