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Current special Makro - Valid from 01.10 to 31.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 01.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid until Saturday 1 October to Saturday 31 December 2022 MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. mike ntS/4 | @S5) More than you bargained for. Plates mee eee ed Ea as fa ae bez Iza = ie = CADBURY Chocsee lobe Day Blend {All vorionts) 150 g {All vorionts) 1 ¢ oA 40 RIS pam Any 2 foe Rais peat 2, Sa JACOBS Krénung or Geld Instant Coffee 200 g 2 for R65 (Bepates Yo 832.50 punt SELATI M Frozen Pizzo - (All variants) Golden Brown Sugar 2 kg 450 - 540 g ‘2 for R460. 2 for R80 Beers Palen Aiesn Zz BS SARE | RAE os cae PAMPERS Value Pock Premium INGRAM'S Body Cream Care Nappies 36/44/52/60/76/82's [Excluding Tissue Oil) 450 mi alo} ¢1¥] Al prices in South Alricon Rands. Refer lo the inside pages for terms and conditions ROBERTSONS Broai & Grill Spice (All variants} 200 g A for R90 ASS aude ca PARMALAT Dairy Custard (All variants) 1 ¢ eee SEE nea BAR Dachwoshing (all oat 1 5. " ‘CANDEREL Cate Sticks 200's 2 for RISS RO REC ee eS en PARMALAT Steri Stumpie {All variants) 350 ml Sfor R135 talent po

Latest specials

Promotion valid until Saturday 1 October to Saturday 31 December 2022 MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. mike ntS/4 | @S5) More than you bargained for. Plates mee eee ed Ea as fa ae bez Iza = ie = CADBURY Chocsee lobe Day Blend {All vorionts) 150 g {All vorionts) 1 ¢ oA 40 RIS pam Any 2 foe Rais peat 2, Sa JACOBS Krénung or Geld Instant Coffee 200 g 2 for R65 (Bepates Yo 832.50 punt SELATI M Frozen Pizzo - (All variants) Golden Brown Sugar 2 kg 450 - 540 g ‘2 for R460. 2 for R80 Beers Palen Aiesn Zz BS SARE | RAE os cae PAMPERS Value Pock Premium INGRAM'S Body Cream Care Nappies 36/44/52/60/76/82's [Excluding Tissue Oil) 450 mi alo} ¢1¥] Al prices in South Alricon Rands. Refer lo the inside pages for terms and conditions ROBERTSONS Broai & Grill Spice (All variants} 200 g A for R90 ASS aude ca PARMALAT Dairy Custard (All variants) 1 ¢ eee SEE nea BAR Dachwoshing (all oat 1 5. " ‘CANDEREL Cate Sticks 200's 2 for RISS RO REC ee eS en PARMALAT Steri Stumpie {All variants) 350 ml Sfor R135 talent po

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