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Current special Makro - Back to School - Valid from 11.12 to 31.01 - Page nb 7

Special Makro 11.12.2022 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

louring phananinnhans Colour Pencils | Sime © Colour Pencils Small 0 12-Pack . (299958) badd Stationery Kit plus (306042) 2 HB Pencils ‘aves a | We 1 STAEDTLER z Ht es | i: Novis colour aw material HALLE | 40 g Glue Stick Noris Club Paint Box Woodfree ance (136608 Coloured Pencils ens2n ry) a Fe a WWW el mia) \y" imi) a x '#I&% | Value Pack Orange gs MEE) ted tine * Includes: colouring pencils [ocak ado oon (397134) ree eh Kids Turn & Colour Kids Evolution Illusion —_ Kids Evolution Wax Crayons Erasable Colouring _Triangle Pencils (162962) feral (162959) Colour in Backpack 771901 + Includes: aquacouleur pencils 12-pack and Kids Visa Felt 12 pens pack (446166) a vit “ ’ lor \ on World Colois EcoPencils with blendable leads have been developed to VY celebrate our diverse ethnic society through self-expression Fosters creativity and inclusion in the classroom } World Colours W, Developed with the expertise of Faber-Castell cosmetics division EcoPencils i * To colour skin ones 6blendableskin tone colours to create a multitude of skin colours . ‘ (397550) oon Pencils Made with wood from sustainable forestry pepe Recyclable packaging ese peek 4 Eco Colour Pencils } (306733) CEE rn 3, Colour Pencils Scan this code to weteh teachers review! [i] (439844) DD por 2 MKNTGM206_ 51/2022 Mokro DTP/NARE Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 January 2023 7 “To eam Rewards downood and register onthe Cord opp. Sujet oa sed Kittin, Makro wil have sli! sock meet ontcpcted demand. Stock ofall goods on fei nied, Mako sil eosre hot hey hove ie! stock o met enpoted Garon Maize sol vex eosonble elo o dicontmus fw oir or con ck no enger oval: Fwe runs of ok of good ‘Sreer we wl afemp! a abn resove sock or oe yoy 0 reorenase nd comporable shelve wie some produ! gpeceasom but who! quoranksng the dacou/eer oho chee Pre le si en ereoen nena ot a ol Spay oer ae oi oe ok otk gry ged es ew ey Zips edna Mauna France Secs Wy ti san Adketad Ponce Saris hen FSF Urs No 4973) waster by Mel & Pedal GA Prong Make Ch eberes Sienty ne hdr cor fn, coer proconinatrce od re 7025." Report cheer fn coos protcan urea re 2.25 Sta ae at chic Sg A pee et reel wpm yoy bon cre in js nal enone fs per oper Revcvng, 2t ar bsg end Sorinthbeigt Rovere by Roepe Co nd os face Serer Moser NENG 36/EF aaabh =

Latest specials

louring phananinnhans Colour Pencils | Sime © Colour Pencils Small 0 12-Pack . (299958) badd Stationery Kit plus (306042) 2 HB Pencils ‘aves a | We 1 STAEDTLER z Ht es | i: Novis colour aw material HALLE | 40 g Glue Stick Noris Club Paint Box Woodfree ance (136608 Coloured Pencils ens2n ry) a Fe a WWW el mia) \y" imi) a x '#I&% | Value Pack Orange gs MEE) ted tine * Includes: colouring pencils [ocak ado oon (397134) ree eh Kids Turn & Colour Kids Evolution Illusion —_ Kids Evolution Wax Crayons Erasable Colouring _Triangle Pencils (162962) feral (162959) Colour in Backpack 771901 + Includes: aquacouleur pencils 12-pack and Kids Visa Felt 12 pens pack (446166) a vit “ ’ lor \ on World Colois EcoPencils with blendable leads have been developed to VY celebrate our diverse ethnic society through self-expression Fosters creativity and inclusion in the classroom } World Colours W, Developed with the expertise of Faber-Castell cosmetics division EcoPencils i * To colour skin ones 6blendableskin tone colours to create a multitude of skin colours . ‘ (397550) oon Pencils Made with wood from sustainable forestry pepe Recyclable packaging ese peek 4 Eco Colour Pencils } (306733) CEE rn 3, Colour Pencils Scan this code to weteh teachers review! [i] (439844) DD por 2 MKNTGM206_ 51/2022 Mokro DTP/NARE Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 January 2023 7 “To eam Rewards downood and register onthe Cord opp. Sujet oa sed Kittin, Makro wil have sli! sock meet ontcpcted demand. Stock ofall goods on fei nied, Mako sil eosre hot hey hove ie! stock o met enpoted Garon Maize sol vex eosonble elo o dicontmus fw oir or con ck no enger oval: Fwe runs of ok of good ‘Sreer we wl afemp! a abn resove sock or oe yoy 0 reorenase nd comporable shelve wie some produ! gpeceasom but who! quoranksng the dacou/eer oho chee Pre le si en ereoen nena ot a ol Spay oer ae oi oe ok otk gry ged es ew ey Zips edna Mauna France Secs Wy ti san Adketad Ponce Saris hen FSF Urs No 4973) waster by Mel & Pedal GA Prong Make Ch eberes Sienty ne hdr cor fn, coer proconinatrce od re 7025." Report cheer fn coos protcan urea re 2.25 Sta ae at chic Sg A pee et reel wpm yoy bon cre in js nal enone fs per oper Revcvng, 2t ar bsg end Sorinthbeigt Rovere by Roepe Co nd os face Serer Moser NENG 36/EF aaabh =

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