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Current special Makro - Back to School - Valid from 11.12 to 31.01 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 11.12.2022 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

GRAPHITE 7 Tsenn a Dy 5 r y : «al \ Tradition 2H, H, 2B or HB Pencils, s 4 (137787; 137761; 137696; 403273) | ] I ‘= | | BE CREATIVE 3 Graphite Sketch Set WITH STAEDTLER je 6x graphite (439828) aA LAL 1 1 * Break resistant ‘Combo Pack| > Goldfaber HB, 2H, H or 2B Graphite Pencils AA - (246374; 300934; 300935; 300946) i ‘ital | =| Combo Pack | |} 428904 1) Beginners | 2) Tradition HB Pencil | 2) HB Tradition Pencil, | 3) Tradition Eco HB Pencil ~ae Pencils (25128) Eraser and Double-Hole | (265920) - (299937 Sharpener Set ay | (265923) a6 per 12-poc PVC Eraser Mini Box Sharpener f 283731) 22 per u2eean) ‘ —— BACK TO $C100;, wy ; a ’ Hf Progrex Clutch {fj!|) Rexgrip Progrex J) Pencil Value Set | Clutch Pencil Clutch Pencil fp) sez (428256) (428258) a a le D i ‘be == | me = ‘CROXLEY CREATE [ - eee RL ar 25 per tupac Dae eh ad yt ere Super Grip |} Rexgrip i Refill HB Lead =e Clutch Pencil |||) Clutch Pencil jy > nore ae (425263) (28250) , Te tediala (396470; 396505) 25 p Buy Drawing Set enn) el Xo 6 MKNTGM206_51/2022 Mokro DTP/NARE_Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 January 2023,

Latest specials

GRAPHITE 7 Tsenn a Dy 5 r y : «al \ Tradition 2H, H, 2B or HB Pencils, s 4 (137787; 137761; 137696; 403273) | ] I ‘= | | BE CREATIVE 3 Graphite Sketch Set WITH STAEDTLER je 6x graphite (439828) aA LAL 1 1 * Break resistant ‘Combo Pack| > Goldfaber HB, 2H, H or 2B Graphite Pencils AA - (246374; 300934; 300935; 300946) i ‘ital | =| Combo Pack | |} 428904 1) Beginners | 2) Tradition HB Pencil | 2) HB Tradition Pencil, | 3) Tradition Eco HB Pencil ~ae Pencils (25128) Eraser and Double-Hole | (265920) - (299937 Sharpener Set ay | (265923) a6 per 12-poc PVC Eraser Mini Box Sharpener f 283731) 22 per u2eean) ‘ —— BACK TO $C100;, wy ; a ’ Hf Progrex Clutch {fj!|) Rexgrip Progrex J) Pencil Value Set | Clutch Pencil Clutch Pencil fp) sez (428256) (428258) a a le D i ‘be == | me = ‘CROXLEY CREATE [ - eee RL ar 25 per tupac Dae eh ad yt ere Super Grip |} Rexgrip i Refill HB Lead =e Clutch Pencil |||) Clutch Pencil jy > nore ae (425263) (28250) , Te tediala (396470; 396505) 25 p Buy Drawing Set enn) el Xo 6 MKNTGM206_51/2022 Mokro DTP/NARE_Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 January 2023,

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