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Current special Game - Valid from 08.11 to 06.12 - Page nb 7

Special Game 08.11.2022 - 06.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

HUAWEI Y5p 4G Smartphone CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + S00MB Data Anytime + 500MB Night Owt deo Tick x Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-of Anytime Data, vai for 30 days) SAGSGAMRE RSA EDITION PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV - 06 DEC 2022. Jed in Prepaid eats. Git ced may ok be ceed fr rst vod conta de and vodacom ca il es vii whe The alization ofthe addtional dota ore Ena voice mines are on pew lies only and noton upgrade ot prepa. cn © 4300 man © z Front S® warranty warranty HUAWEI HUAWE HUAWEI nova Y70. HUAWEI nova 81 4G Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT ] New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes +50 Minutes + SOOMB Data Anstime + 500MB ata Anytime + 500MB Night Owl + S00MB Night Ont Start-up data Start-up data bundle for contracts bundle for contracts (once-ff Anytime Data vai for 30 days ence Anytime Data, vats or 30 dy) signing 9 new 24/56-month Vodacom Contract ard 9 once ct SIM and connection fe of R204 on abt ad Starter Pach VAT incisive EROE A Once Osta bundles wll Rave voy 9 untk 2559 Oh SO dy sn enna mca rn R204 Last Theft cover - ths nsurance products Under te by Voi weenie

Latest specials

HUAWEI Y5p 4G Smartphone CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + S00MB Data Anytime + 500MB Night Owt deo Tick x Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-of Anytime Data, vai for 30 days) SAGSGAMRE RSA EDITION PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV - 06 DEC 2022. Jed in Prepaid eats. Git ced may ok be ceed fr rst vod conta de and vodacom ca il es vii whe The alization ofthe addtional dota ore Ena voice mines are on pew lies only and noton upgrade ot prepa. cn © 4300 man © z Front S® warranty warranty HUAWEI HUAWE HUAWEI nova Y70. HUAWEI nova 81 4G Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT ] New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes +50 Minutes + SOOMB Data Anstime + 500MB ata Anytime + 500MB Night Owl + S00MB Night Ont Start-up data Start-up data bundle for contracts bundle for contracts (once-ff Anytime Data vai for 30 days ence Anytime Data, vats or 30 dy) signing 9 new 24/56-month Vodacom Contract ard 9 once ct SIM and connection fe of R204 on abt ad Starter Pach VAT incisive EROE A Once Osta bundles wll Rave voy 9 untk 2559 Oh SO dy sn enna mca rn R204 Last Theft cover - ths nsurance products Under te by Voi weenie

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