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Current special Game - Valid from 08.11 to 06.12 - Page nb 6

Special Game 08.11.2022 - 06.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

% MuUAWeD HUAWEI Y5p 4G Smartphone 199 ees Pa eS 6000MAh Battery" 6000 rT ay © y woawer @ HUAWEI nova Y70 Plus Smartphone warranty rer Ree New & Upgrade Contracts Ws Huawe! HUAWEI! NOVQ Y70 22.5W HUAWE! SuperCharge" | 6.75" HUAWEI FullView Display Be inspired, Be nova 21 Clieniar sy woawet @ HUAWEI nova 81 4G Smartphone warranty EE) Ere oak New & Upgrade Contracts R130 Airtime Value PM roe 2058 Start-up data bundle for c s oe ee See ae forco-ctt Amine Data, vats tor $0 days) ‘3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) ‘3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Free 2058 Start-up data Free 2068 Start-up data Promo 70 PMx 36 bundle for: bundle for contracts R70 Airtimne Valve PM once-off Anytime Data, vatis for 30 dai) (once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 day) Promo 70 PM x 36 (Otters vats fromn O8 Nov - 06 Bec 2022 Standard terms and conditions apply Contract Goats are subject to signing a new 26/Y6-maeth Vadacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection fee of 8204 on ait new Contracts unless othacwis stated. #Subyect to RICA and instore activation af a Prepaid Stare Pack. VAT inizsve. EROE. All Once-olf Data Bundles wl have valiity up unk 2559 of the 30eh doy from 20d ineludieg the day of purchase. Git cards are not included in Prepand desks. Get cards may not be redeemed for cash of as payment on instalment. Pease bring IO back, pros! ef address, and 3 months bark ‘atemeets, For ful terms aed condeions and qualilying Gevices visi veda comn/retal-device and vodacom.coza All eats valid while stocks Last, Thelt cover» ths insurance product is underwritten by Vodacom lnaurance Company. 8 icersed non-lite ixsure Terres anc conditions apply visk Vodacom coza, The allocation ofthe addesonal daca and voice minutes arv on new lines cely and not on upgrade of prep on doutke R70. R70 Airtime (ine deals only the main Une wl receive the atlocation ofthe adkional data and varce minutes. 5 SAGSGA1686, RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV - 06 DEC 2022

Latest specials

% MuUAWeD HUAWEI Y5p 4G Smartphone 199 ees Pa eS 6000MAh Battery" 6000 rT ay © y woawer @ HUAWEI nova Y70 Plus Smartphone warranty rer Ree New & Upgrade Contracts Ws Huawe! HUAWEI! NOVQ Y70 22.5W HUAWE! SuperCharge" | 6.75" HUAWEI FullView Display Be inspired, Be nova 21 Clieniar sy woawet @ HUAWEI nova 81 4G Smartphone warranty EE) Ere oak New & Upgrade Contracts R130 Airtime Value PM roe 2058 Start-up data bundle for c s oe ee See ae forco-ctt Amine Data, vats tor $0 days) ‘3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) ‘3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Free 2058 Start-up data Free 2068 Start-up data Promo 70 PMx 36 bundle for: bundle for contracts R70 Airtimne Valve PM once-off Anytime Data, vatis for 30 dai) (once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 day) Promo 70 PM x 36 (Otters vats fromn O8 Nov - 06 Bec 2022 Standard terms and conditions apply Contract Goats are subject to signing a new 26/Y6-maeth Vadacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection fee of 8204 on ait new Contracts unless othacwis stated. #Subyect to RICA and instore activation af a Prepaid Stare Pack. VAT inizsve. EROE. All Once-olf Data Bundles wl have valiity up unk 2559 of the 30eh doy from 20d ineludieg the day of purchase. Git cards are not included in Prepand desks. Get cards may not be redeemed for cash of as payment on instalment. Pease bring IO back, pros! ef address, and 3 months bark ‘atemeets, For ful terms aed condeions and qualilying Gevices visi veda comn/retal-device and vodacom.coza All eats valid while stocks Last, Thelt cover» ths insurance product is underwritten by Vodacom lnaurance Company. 8 icersed non-lite ixsure Terres anc conditions apply visk Vodacom coza, The allocation ofthe addesonal daca and voice minutes arv on new lines cely and not on upgrade of prep on doutke R70. R70 Airtime (ine deals only the main Une wl receive the atlocation ofthe adkional data and varce minutes. 5 SAGSGA1686, RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV - 06 DEC 2022

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