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Current special Checkers - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 7

Special Checkers 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

READY TO aed Lvl CINNAMON FUDGE WAFER CUP Cd CARAMELISED TANGO ee MALVA PUDDING * a ANY 2FOR a aga PetL Pee ek ROR i 7 MG ae ace BUY ANY 2& é r Pee cus SAVE EXPORT QUALITY 3 ‘ En i Strawberry Cream TANGO FRUIT es 26°. ered Tango Fruit eee TT ICA ORO Amu CA : =— Bs Gear GL Ae re aa 9 a aN Es § SOMETHING FOR THE TOASTS BUY 2& BUY2& BUY ANY 3 & SAVE R20 BUY ANY 2 & sll Ser eson 39 0" aad soa Peele 2x 750ml 2 x 750m | re Jourdan Beyerskloof } quill / IB Bian i A P ‘Simonsig ‘or oe 7 SAVE R30 SAVE R55 | SAVE RAO F 2GQ22 MMe) = S-PACKS FOR =F 2 Tanqueray = soni Liquor: Savanna 2 R160 Imported London = mae ae De @ Dry Gin Jameson leo tlt ee 3 ‘ All Variants 2x 6x440mi a > Windhoek Each SCAN HERE Premium 10] Draught Beer Cans/NRB ar ie Finguarny LiquorShop | Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

Latest specials

READY TO aed Lvl CINNAMON FUDGE WAFER CUP Cd CARAMELISED TANGO ee MALVA PUDDING * a ANY 2FOR a aga PetL Pee ek ROR i 7 MG ae ace BUY ANY 2& é r Pee cus SAVE EXPORT QUALITY 3 ‘ En i Strawberry Cream TANGO FRUIT es 26°. ered Tango Fruit eee TT ICA ORO Amu CA : =— Bs Gear GL Ae re aa 9 a aN Es § SOMETHING FOR THE TOASTS BUY 2& BUY2& BUY ANY 3 & SAVE R20 BUY ANY 2 & sll Ser eson 39 0" aad soa Peele 2x 750ml 2 x 750m | re Jourdan Beyerskloof } quill / IB Bian i A P ‘Simonsig ‘or oe 7 SAVE R30 SAVE R55 | SAVE RAO F 2GQ22 MMe) = S-PACKS FOR =F 2 Tanqueray = soni Liquor: Savanna 2 R160 Imported London = mae ae De @ Dry Gin Jameson leo tlt ee 3 ‘ All Variants 2x 6x440mi a > Windhoek Each SCAN HERE Premium 10] Draught Beer Cans/NRB ar ie Finguarny LiquorShop | Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

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