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Mo ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown eigswoomd White Brown RSet White SteksSgx 000s] Lucky Star Fin] lene Fh Seba eae sh 4g ha vs Brown Fain * r = pee : White NE 2 |S a So ui Flair al sate eas — i ——< Tomcd Lucky Star] fi 2 7 Rilchards| oe | Lucw smal EP fre Pe : | a a Beans| Beans| 2 ADVANCE as 400g x 12 Ze10g x 12 . . ce a 4 ; ; : — — Joni 19.99) be 1 A | SL | Satta eo Everyday’ Rhodes Lucky Star J Koo Chakakala 2 Flair Curry Flair Rhodes| _Chakalaka ‘Hot & Spicy Only fy (Koo) Chakalaka --Chakakala aoe Koo Veg Curry/Mix Veg} Everday) Rhodes 225g x 6 Peas! EveryDay; Butter Rhodes | (KOO) a i Ie Butter __ Beans Mix Veg " Gx] Beans} 2's ” 'sie @ 4109 x12 * Everyday Koo Whole Rhodes Everyday] Koo Rhodes) Everyday Cream Style! Cream Style |) p= =Spaghetti Patio ses (Corn a Corn mt i] y Pen rt Whole Kernel Corn}meesCream Style 2s a: Kernel] is a i et Flair} = Tomato & All Gold Tomato &|Miami Tomato Onion} EverydayTomato & All Gold} Tomato & Onion Mix} onion Mix! Mix 410 Onion Mix’ ==:Braai Relish| (Onion Mix rm 4 > 3 rt 2 pod 410 i > J « Tomato | csi ms Paste ( oa rs eC | Ee Every Day Miami) All Gold Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star = Star Tomato Puree — ‘Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna - : Tomato Puree} —zTomato Puree | fe z Tomato mm oe In Water / Oil 170 In Water/Oit = Paste P- \ 5 E \ ae | apvance } | ge >| ae? W & > J 2 ae - a i SO) Koo Peach Koo Slices/ aives Pineapple (coo) Ea A: Rings vies ito | GTS am A) | CREM Apricot Jam ; ' ann ‘. —= S/B 45 i =| -| Fem s i (! ®) Strawberry Jam "Apricot Jam so $ 3.75kg APmicar \ ®) 50¢ $/B 9009 90 \ Serene Loa} re Nee” h Mama’s —. Mixed Fruit et] Jam — Koo} More Jam More Jam| Koo | Pie qoSttawberry a. | ean Sal Rliodes ts |: &0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last I Cash pickup only
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