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CTU eC Ee A EDS el Ae) iz PY .) ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 Vv” CASH & CARRY Thursday 16th Jan until Wednesdat 22nd Jan 2025 WSO LC TA ea Plastic} Formosa Plastic}Plastic kitchen Stool | Plastic Plastic Oval Tub Formosa Plastic} Rashida Plastic Basin’ blastic Basin Black’ Kids Chair! lack | |Rope Tub Dee ce Rose Basin : Chair t , fa we eae Plastic Basin "Plastic Otima Plastic Plastic Baby Bath Plastic Formosa Plastic Square] Formosa Plastic Rectangle] Formosa Plastic esti Basin . 2 Tone Food Saver 2 Tone Food Saver) 2 Tone Food Saver Round Basin] ; Formosa Plastic Formosa Plastic Formosa Plastic | Formosa Plastic Elite Plastic Elite Plastic Elite Plastic} Elite Plastic Rectangle Click & Seal} Clip Container Round} Goodies Container j 2 Divison Lunch Box Easy Storer Biscuits Barrell) Clip Lunch Box’ Lunch Box 300ml Small } Eact 5 oe rs <_ikbe a P : Sra ~ - a sear 7 J Elite Plastic }Formosa Plastic cae Otima Snap it Otima} _ Atima Plastic Otimal Otima Food Saver ae 3 ee Coun 5 Pcs Combo} Snack & Go} °"2?" | Princess Quatro = ie ’ I a Lunch ) Se - : < See) GE Box Formosa Plastic} Formosa Plastic Elite Plastic Otima Elite Plastic Elite Plastic Otima Salad ||Elite Plastic Lunch Box Lid 2 Tone Spaghetti Salad Bowl) Square Bowl Salad Bowl Premium| Bowl a Lid | Snack Bow! —— Boul With Lid Salad Bowl} a 3 = Plastic} | iE Plastic Elite an Plastic} Plastic Wine |] Otima Juice Bottle Otima ~~ Mug Tone Mug) Tug 2 Plastic A” Cups 6's Geo sia Sports | iwi Bottle | = Bima Lucci Cup) Elite} Plastic Plates} Elite Plastic ~Eite jas Prastic Elite Plastic) Otima Bucket _ | fe Plastic s} Party Plates ae Containers aPcs_ || eee VEO weg Nace 9 K ' jalad Troll 4 ee | eecups 5 's smn aglrolley; ¥ Rack ; we eh sluwaler ee| oa Plastic] Plastic Otima Otima fOtima Dust Bi, | Wooden Pegs Bucket} coy Kaundry|_ Basket} a= Daisy f = ‘ a ns . Basket 5 peerene asket : 7 Bod S Shape wr Lid Brush strap Brush 10's Hart Kettle a St) Hart a.) Hart J7 Pots Tiger Pot Set Pot 3 Pes } 2. 7 2 : { me Mop . 9 S Se stioe Chubby Amaclean . : =F Brush 10's Brush 10's 300g se 7 = ET ey Scourer’ Pes | Plastic Leaf Rake Plastic} Budget Broom| Elite} Apolo Broom |i Orange Leaf Rake Amaclean||House Hold Broom) —_ Plastic Fitting Plastic Fitting) wae 19, Tooth | i. only E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT Subject to failability of stocks | While stocks last | C: Cash pickup
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