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Current special Tupperware - Valid from 07.09 to 04.10 - Page nb 23

Special Tupperware 07.09.2022 - 04.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

161252 Inspirations Bowl (7,5 L) WASR299 SAVE R140 re 162027 Lunch Box Medium WAS R189 SAVE R60 147115 Ea Universal Jar oan Square (1,8 L) (1,5 L) WAS- R159 ~ SAVE R50 128097 ‘ Peeler fi WAS R129 SAVE R74 \ 119261 “Eco Bottle Stand (x 2) WAS-R109 SAVE R60 *Colours may vary Page 23

Latest specials

161252 Inspirations Bowl (7,5 L) WASR299 SAVE R140 re 162027 Lunch Box Medium WAS R189 SAVE R60 147115 Ea Universal Jar oan Square (1,8 L) (1,5 L) WAS- R159 ~ SAVE R50 128097 ‘ Peeler fi WAS R129 SAVE R74 \ 119261 “Eco Bottle Stand (x 2) WAS-R109 SAVE R60 *Colours may vary Page 23

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