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Current special Spar - Valid from 11.03 to 24.03 - Page nb 17

Special Spar 11.03.2024 - 24.03.2024

Products in this catalogue

That's why we SHOP at a® ‘BU! A Ce Specials avaiable trom 11 March up to and including 24 March 2024 208s vided at SPAR stores including Benes, Hetwont, Carnaevon, Calvinia, Harel, Hopfield, Bnysice (Lirmberts Fay), River City (Upeegtond, Stanford artetvile, Cowauron Siqparw Selected predicts ray nat be aveiatie xt ab stores. No wine oe pork is told in Halaal stores ener & Haut tne, Vicloria West, Saittnnbs, (Square wines. E& OE

Latest specials

That's why we SHOP at a® ‘BU! A Ce Specials avaiable trom 11 March up to and including 24 March 2024 208s vided at SPAR stores including Benes, Hetwont, Carnaevon, Calvinia, Harel, Hopfield, Bnysice (Lirmberts Fay), River City (Upeegtond, Stanford artetvile, Cowauron Siqparw Selected predicts ray nat be aveiatie xt ab stores. No wine oe pork is told in Halaal stores ener & Haut tne, Vicloria West, Saittnnbs, (Square wines. E& OE

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