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Current special Shoprite - Valid from 22.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 2

Special Shoprite 22.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

arr mm ai in faut fin S46 sti, $2 Sats" Kowoe $2 . : y Hd s Ca ~ a | Z yor. 1697 "2 10% an loz a! Seer a Narre ersen: 50/50/06 ec * jee uceas coum e8 Ei ands (ar a w rs \atias 8 | on 5 le Gay ioe 8 | Gt oa ion by d : CHE HE M.,) 3 ee He gli} bias 342. IZ WES se ars cee” o oe ba LVIES: Premium Baby Care + - FO ern cate) . err gst ay ovies 4 oo] x ez wes betty POR NAPPY a2s7 a7 me was a D2. SE? mK 70 | sais mot 56 Sues man 52 SES JUNIOR 48

Latest specials

arr mm ai in faut fin S46 sti, $2 Sats" Kowoe $2 . : y Hd s Ca ~ a | Z yor. 1697 "2 10% an loz a! Seer a Narre ersen: 50/50/06 ec * jee uceas coum e8 Ei ands (ar a w rs \atias 8 | on 5 le Gay ioe 8 | Gt oa ion by d : CHE HE M.,) 3 ee He gli} bias 342. IZ WES se ars cee” o oe ba LVIES: Premium Baby Care + - FO ern cate) . err gst ay ovies 4 oo] x ez wes betty POR NAPPY a2s7 a7 me was a D2. SE? mK 70 | sais mot 56 Sues man 52 SES JUNIOR 48

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