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Current special Pick n Pay - Valid from 08.05 to 19.05 - Page nb 1

Special Pick n Pay 08.05.2023 - 19.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

[Jickn Jay GJypermarket W, = a Wye a ae . > Ce > Pgs We : : a RY AINE Tea ITS YOUR FRE , gate Pats DING wenn ny | 8 Ay 000 customers wil win tec share of RAO million J aaaal in out Barc Promotion’ \. wil —One winner. Every store. Every a St Buy any 2 participating products and oa ose aa "WHE & WEETBIX) DACOBS) ED ED snwesoy : ae : mre eanwow GEE] PAT suniont GED QD ¢ sy ANA YORRANKETS ILABLE AT PICK N PAY HYPERMARKETS IN DURBAN NORTH AND SOUTH COAST VALID 8 - 19 MAY 2023

Latest specials

[Jickn Jay GJypermarket W, = a Wye a ae . > Ce > Pgs We : : a RY AINE Tea ITS YOUR FRE , gate Pats DING wenn ny | 8 Ay 000 customers wil win tec share of RAO million J aaaal in out Barc Promotion’ \. wil —One winner. Every store. Every a St Buy any 2 participating products and oa ose aa "WHE & WEETBIX) DACOBS) ED ED snwesoy : ae : mre eanwow GEE] PAT suniont GED QD ¢ sy ANA YORRANKETS ILABLE AT PICK N PAY HYPERMARKETS IN DURBAN NORTH AND SOUTH COAST VALID 8 - 19 MAY 2023

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