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Current special Pick n Pay - Valid from 07.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 12

Special Pick n Pay 07.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

f 7 X eielaaa cy () I C k q G PRICES VALID 7 - 16 NOVEMBER 2022 Ppa SAVE R24 oN mae ee SAVER14 Huggies ols Digposabl Pants ‘omo Auto Washing Sorted Moye er Bo Bovdecseg orca TO SPEND ON ANYTHING! 5.5 Lite Black Digital Ai Fryer Model AAFSS “Spend RSOO or more on TVs, Electronics, Appliances, Outdoor, Homeware & Toys. Earn between 7 - 13 Nov. Redeem from 14 - 20 Nov 2022. Excludes Cigarettes, Baby formula, 3rd parties and airtime. Exclusive to Smart Shoppers. Max of 1 voucher per customer in a single shop per week. Exclusive to PnP Hypermarkets. Ts and Cs apply. Switch to Pick n Pay this Christmas. N DURBAN NORTH AND SOUTH COAST PRICES VALID 7 -16 NOVEMBER 2022 AT PICK N PAY H

Latest specials

f 7 X eielaaa cy () I C k q G PRICES VALID 7 - 16 NOVEMBER 2022 Ppa SAVE R24 oN mae ee SAVER14 Huggies ols Digposabl Pants ‘omo Auto Washing Sorted Moye er Bo Bovdecseg orca TO SPEND ON ANYTHING! 5.5 Lite Black Digital Ai Fryer Model AAFSS “Spend RSOO or more on TVs, Electronics, Appliances, Outdoor, Homeware & Toys. Earn between 7 - 13 Nov. Redeem from 14 - 20 Nov 2022. Excludes Cigarettes, Baby formula, 3rd parties and airtime. Exclusive to Smart Shoppers. Max of 1 voucher per customer in a single shop per week. Exclusive to PnP Hypermarkets. Ts and Cs apply. Switch to Pick n Pay this Christmas. N DURBAN NORTH AND SOUTH COAST PRICES VALID 7 -16 NOVEMBER 2022 AT PICK N PAY H

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