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Current special Pick n Pay - Valid from 09.01 to 18.01 - Page nb 3

Special Pick n Pay 09.01.2023 - 18.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

_ 5 We B98. PP kid Rego Yalow Apples hg or Kids Bananas Pre-pack ars: VW 'iipurrose POTATOES, Crafted Collection Mini Plum Tomatoes 250: PoP Greek Salad Bow! 4509, Bulk a ig, Tomato Medley 250g or PaP Sweet PnP Beetroot & Blueberry Snack 60g, 80 Bacon Cheese Salad 2205 \__orPnP Fruit Juice Assorted 250m! tet PROMISE f All our meat is expertly prepared by our master butchers to ensure you get our best cuts. PhP Wrap Assorted, PnP Fruit, “Wuice Astorted 250ml or Kale Salad Pack 350g or Creamy Potato Palermo Peppers Bake 129 TEC Me = 3 “ eee = a Py i any4 Pe BY | Be “LOW PRICE | rE pro emeenPeacte Pre-pack Re : > White Seedass Grapes 4 500g, Cripps Red Apples ‘ Sigordananas boc kg BY > “Tour Favourite Combo Now With Added Variety ANY4 ~ | LOWPRICE BoP pottoes llurpose ka, Red Onions: Sweetcorn bit 7008 ulk Green Peppers 80 uk Bock Bengal, Butternut ig Baby Marrows 6009, reen Beans 5009, Onions 'Skg or Sweet Potato 1.5kg PnP Meaty Lasagne 200 ‘Spaghett Bolognaise 2003 of Kids Mini Margherita Pizza ae — FLORIST — PnP Medium Green Plant

Latest specials

_ 5 We B98. PP kid Rego Yalow Apples hg or Kids Bananas Pre-pack ars: VW 'iipurrose POTATOES, Crafted Collection Mini Plum Tomatoes 250: PoP Greek Salad Bow! 4509, Bulk a ig, Tomato Medley 250g or PaP Sweet PnP Beetroot & Blueberry Snack 60g, 80 Bacon Cheese Salad 2205 \__orPnP Fruit Juice Assorted 250m! tet PROMISE f All our meat is expertly prepared by our master butchers to ensure you get our best cuts. PhP Wrap Assorted, PnP Fruit, “Wuice Astorted 250ml or Kale Salad Pack 350g or Creamy Potato Palermo Peppers Bake 129 TEC Me = 3 “ eee = a Py i any4 Pe BY | Be “LOW PRICE | rE pro emeenPeacte Pre-pack Re : > White Seedass Grapes 4 500g, Cripps Red Apples ‘ Sigordananas boc kg BY > “Tour Favourite Combo Now With Added Variety ANY4 ~ | LOWPRICE BoP pottoes llurpose ka, Red Onions: Sweetcorn bit 7008 ulk Green Peppers 80 uk Bock Bengal, Butternut ig Baby Marrows 6009, reen Beans 5009, Onions 'Skg or Sweet Potato 1.5kg PnP Meaty Lasagne 200 ‘Spaghett Bolognaise 2003 of Kids Mini Margherita Pizza ae — FLORIST — PnP Medium Green Plant

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