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Current special Oxford Freshmarket - Valid from 21.06 to 26.06 - Page nb 1

Special Oxford Freshmarket 21.06.2023 - 26.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

BLUFF - HILLCREST - WATERFALL WEEKLY DEALS y 0) caihy every Wednesday to Tuesday VALID 21 JUNE - 27 JUNE a ripeabeed 2429 ALL PRICES WILL DROP AT TILL POINT | BUTCHERY DEALS VALID TILL 26 JUNE ; eae tg S| Pe al(el Clay 99 87 or i Ek myer ) % A Pe eager) ah abd Pork Mince / ; rye = 6 ir = 44: ahd Pee (4 | tg re) eh) a mace l i tely per kg Pet 9 Cy IR le me) oh] 28 Day Aged Pa: B er Ne Mina Peta Aone Steak aad ed Ls per kg

Latest specials

BLUFF - HILLCREST - WATERFALL WEEKLY DEALS y 0) caihy every Wednesday to Tuesday VALID 21 JUNE - 27 JUNE a ripeabeed 2429 ALL PRICES WILL DROP AT TILL POINT | BUTCHERY DEALS VALID TILL 26 JUNE ; eae tg S| Pe al(el Clay 99 87 or i Ek myer ) % A Pe eager) ah abd Pork Mince / ; rye = 6 ir = 44: ahd Pee (4 | tg re) eh) a mace l i tely per kg Pet 9 Cy IR le me) oh] 28 Day Aged Pa: B er Ne Mina Peta Aone Steak aad ed Ls per kg

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