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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Polaroid A Deposit M70. Deposit M90. Deposit M100. M39 x 30 Months. M49 x 30 Months. M49 x 30 Months. Total Payable M1059 Total Payable M1299 Total Payable M1419 at 24% Int at 24% Int. at 24% Int Fit Active Watch Fitness Watch Touch Smartwatch PA86 PA80 PA89 Touch Smartwatch PASB g . y >) 9 nse eae intel é @ CELERON! aS ile M HP Intel Boog Celeron Notebook * Windows 10. Le Barokerpa * HP 250 GS Celeron N3060 Ley» 1 x Headphone/Microphone at 24% Int. kg Combo Jack * Webcam 3x USB; 1 x HDMI; 1x VGA& 1x RJ-45 LIMITED STOCK i . SAVE "30 WE 0 Ei SAVE "2 TELEFUNKEN Hisense Total Payable M729 Home 2.1-Channel M33999 M449 Basen M1799 Theatre system M2399 Zocncoar with Deposit M180. THT-4000HDMI Deposit M240. Volkan ee WRI, Witeless Subwoofer 8-Way Muttiplug Meme sees Q alee nese Toul gzyable M8099. 2 Year Guarantee Vk-3202-BK ““* Dy S = i a... a SAVE"200 TELEFUNKEN SAVE SAVE "60 LG E M3 Jvc 5.1-Channel HDMI Dual Speaker M2499 Taivoytiome M2499 M4999 21-channei — M5999 System Deposit M250. Theatre System Deposit M250. Deposit M500. CD Mini Hi-Fi Deposit M600. MX-PH3000A/ M109 x 30 Months. © THT-538 M109 x 30 Months. M209 x 30 Months. CJ45 ¢ 720W M249 x 30 Months. XS-N728PB Total Payable M3219 6 94QQW Total Payable M3219 Total Payable M6219. ¢ 2-Year Total Payable M7449. Saggy at 24% Int at 24% Int at 24% It Guarantee at 24% Int SKYWORTH a 2p 2.1-Channel = Soundbar with 8 uss 4A Wireless Subwoofer Bp $8330 © 480W < SS use om z@

Latest specials

Polaroid A Deposit M70. Deposit M90. Deposit M100. M39 x 30 Months. M49 x 30 Months. M49 x 30 Months. Total Payable M1059 Total Payable M1299 Total Payable M1419 at 24% Int at 24% Int. at 24% Int Fit Active Watch Fitness Watch Touch Smartwatch PA86 PA80 PA89 Touch Smartwatch PASB g . y >) 9 nse eae intel é @ CELERON! aS ile M HP Intel Boog Celeron Notebook * Windows 10. Le Barokerpa * HP 250 GS Celeron N3060 Ley» 1 x Headphone/Microphone at 24% Int. kg Combo Jack * Webcam 3x USB; 1 x HDMI; 1x VGA& 1x RJ-45 LIMITED STOCK i . SAVE "30 WE 0 Ei SAVE "2 TELEFUNKEN Hisense Total Payable M729 Home 2.1-Channel M33999 M449 Basen M1799 Theatre system M2399 Zocncoar with Deposit M180. THT-4000HDMI Deposit M240. Volkan ee WRI, Witeless Subwoofer 8-Way Muttiplug Meme sees Q alee nese Toul gzyable M8099. 2 Year Guarantee Vk-3202-BK ““* Dy S = i a... a SAVE"200 TELEFUNKEN SAVE SAVE "60 LG E M3 Jvc 5.1-Channel HDMI Dual Speaker M2499 Taivoytiome M2499 M4999 21-channei — M5999 System Deposit M250. Theatre System Deposit M250. Deposit M500. CD Mini Hi-Fi Deposit M600. MX-PH3000A/ M109 x 30 Months. © THT-538 M109 x 30 Months. M209 x 30 Months. CJ45 ¢ 720W M249 x 30 Months. XS-N728PB Total Payable M3219 6 94QQW Total Payable M3219 Total Payable M6219. ¢ 2-Year Total Payable M7449. Saggy at 24% Int at 24% Int at 24% It Guarantee at 24% Int SKYWORTH a 2p 2.1-Channel = Soundbar with 8 uss 4A Wireless Subwoofer Bp $8330 © 480W < SS use om z@

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