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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 11.09 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 11.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Rian Ri eae Satin | Metallic- \* ENERGY Boron ENERGY ENERGY t ENERGY fame | ‘Freezer! Ere | A baring H 185mm Fridge Hy 1420mm wv amen with Water eae 0 corm fae eenaaaal 0 s8enen Be — a es | ecu sy Pian ! SST) SAVE 1009 SAVE "509 | e lic lit " b Aber (DEFY Ghidea White Twin-Tub Metallic Water Cooler Washing Top-Loader and Heater Machine Washing YD1635S-W pTT180 Machine = DTL156 { = ] — ae EZ as RATING. RATING. Lo Hi 861mm H | 74mm H 172mm H 850mm W 786mm W 175mm Si Ww 990mm W 530mm D 680mm ‘ 680mm 885mm D 555mm VES] STE) EV) STE) SUPERIOR Hisense Univa White Metallic Mirror-Door Black 4-Plate 4-Plate Stove Microwave Oven Metallic Electronic Bichenaire 400 H20MOMMI/MSI Microwave Oven Dss694 | a U28 ¢ 900W —_— ENERGY ) Agency Ee RaTiNe RATING 5 H 1215mm HH 1290mm | W. 600mm W 790mm ghee eee Foil ' Bia Waa SYERE | SAVE *169 | iia | SAVE 209 Pega y Stainless gic facuum PHILIPS REAL Ghidea Eig Cleaner Drylron HD1172 Stainless Steel Kettle 2-Plate Stove WAHL’ CSVC-12S * {000W HHB1772 PDSDHO3 Blender —gagme- Homepro 4-Pack © 1200W © 2200W. * 2000W BL1197A Hairclipper Kit

Latest specials

Rian Ri eae Satin | Metallic- \* ENERGY Boron ENERGY ENERGY t ENERGY fame | ‘Freezer! Ere | A baring H 185mm Fridge Hy 1420mm wv amen with Water eae 0 corm fae eenaaaal 0 s8enen Be — a es | ecu sy Pian ! SST) SAVE 1009 SAVE "509 | e lic lit " b Aber (DEFY Ghidea White Twin-Tub Metallic Water Cooler Washing Top-Loader and Heater Machine Washing YD1635S-W pTT180 Machine = DTL156 { = ] — ae EZ as RATING. RATING. Lo Hi 861mm H | 74mm H 172mm H 850mm W 786mm W 175mm Si Ww 990mm W 530mm D 680mm ‘ 680mm 885mm D 555mm VES] STE) EV) STE) SUPERIOR Hisense Univa White Metallic Mirror-Door Black 4-Plate 4-Plate Stove Microwave Oven Metallic Electronic Bichenaire 400 H20MOMMI/MSI Microwave Oven Dss694 | a U28 ¢ 900W —_— ENERGY ) Agency Ee RaTiNe RATING 5 H 1215mm HH 1290mm | W. 600mm W 790mm ghee eee Foil ' Bia Waa SYERE | SAVE *169 | iia | SAVE 209 Pega y Stainless gic facuum PHILIPS REAL Ghidea Eig Cleaner Drylron HD1172 Stainless Steel Kettle 2-Plate Stove WAHL’ CSVC-12S * {000W HHB1772 PDSDHO3 Blender —gagme- Homepro 4-Pack © 1200W © 2200W. * 2000W BL1197A Hairclipper Kit

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