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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

13 oy eTeTeysy a 5010) 0 8 ; ll la Me E7999 | E5999 renner ae ro Eie-Z Sai Deposit E800 E329 x 30 Months. Total Payable E9849 at 24% Int. 3-Piece Radiant Kitchen Scheme * Microwave not included eed | Rio Rio TV Stand Coffee Table * Audiovisual equipment and Deposit E200. Deposit E250 89 x 30 Months. E109 x 30 Months. oer iniended Total Payable £2619 Total Payable E3219 u at 24% Int. at 24% it SUPREM . iY. E5499 | 152cm Eduze Base Set eer Pillow-Top Base Set ah) Posturepedic Deposit £550. * 1-Year Guarantee Deposit £670. « 2-Year Guarantee Deposit E700. 152cm Austin Base Set £229 x 30 Months. Included in a £279 x 30 Months. Included in a 10-Year E289 x 30 Months. * 1-Year Guarantee Total Payable EBB1O 10-Year Service Total Payable E8049 Service Warranty Total Payable E8649 Included in a 10-Year at 24% Int. Warranty at 24% Int. at 24% Int Service Warranty 22 Queen 13 Deposit E750. =a liar E309 x 30 Months. E7499 Nene) Eee Yaa EESGNIG * 1-Year Guarantes included: 4 BUY q Mela) NS a BASE SETS d AVAVA| IN| b= felel Re ate) Dornan : 4499, Save E1000 E5499, Save E1000 n E5999, Save E1000

Latest specials

13 oy eTeTeysy a 5010) 0 8 ; ll la Me E7999 | E5999 renner ae ro Eie-Z Sai Deposit E800 E329 x 30 Months. Total Payable E9849 at 24% Int. 3-Piece Radiant Kitchen Scheme * Microwave not included eed | Rio Rio TV Stand Coffee Table * Audiovisual equipment and Deposit E200. Deposit E250 89 x 30 Months. E109 x 30 Months. oer iniended Total Payable £2619 Total Payable E3219 u at 24% Int. at 24% it SUPREM . iY. E5499 | 152cm Eduze Base Set eer Pillow-Top Base Set ah) Posturepedic Deposit £550. * 1-Year Guarantee Deposit £670. « 2-Year Guarantee Deposit E700. 152cm Austin Base Set £229 x 30 Months. Included in a £279 x 30 Months. Included in a 10-Year E289 x 30 Months. * 1-Year Guarantee Total Payable EBB1O 10-Year Service Total Payable E8049 Service Warranty Total Payable E8649 Included in a 10-Year at 24% Int. Warranty at 24% Int. at 24% Int Service Warranty 22 Queen 13 Deposit E750. =a liar E309 x 30 Months. E7499 Nene) Eee Yaa EESGNIG * 1-Year Guarantes included: 4 BUY q Mela) NS a BASE SETS d AVAVA| IN| b= felel Re ate) Dornan : 4499, Save E1000 E5499, Save E1000 n E5999, Save E1000

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