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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 29.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 29.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

R4999 R1199 81399 ‘ Depot SOD. Depot R120 Depoat R10. Fob 1 36 Ment, N09 30 Met, Rix 20 Ment. Teal Payable ROSES Tota Papal 242 Total Payal G2 uZohet Pris az 3-Piece Miami Trinity Trinity Kitchen Scheme Coffee Table TV Stand * Accessories: 4 not included Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers Rod R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. : Depot ADD Robe x90 Months, meas le OTE Tota Pol Tso 137em 152cm Ith Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty cron ie 0 er 123 ESS ‘STORES NATIONWIDE ~ FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UME seston a ape hn Malm i. tert anor sje che es. ct ie rnc. nny eae an etn ee. pai. tt exch ope ance dene hres Let eos ae cto a ater asasimert a tegated by te NCA ands Regustors Requremunt ox erstapcatons must chae a capy ol your wary docu lates! eee ayspa andr bank tater poo! of redace not olde thay § mons and vont expenses. Orpoat may have o be pd. subject you crt assessment SMS for eredt~ SMS cost A. Standard Ta & Cs app Accessories dapayed ar ll played ae ied at our Sacrebon. No Deas alowed. Corcumerspurchaung TV ets must produce tet D document poo! residence anda vabd TV Loence as requred by legato, sand store sebvabon Shou an error occur or ncompleteformaton be pnted nfs adverssement we wl lay anotce in-store wih the corect Gets rors and om Lian Authorised Cret Provider (NCRCPEDSO) and an Authored Financial Series rower (FSP 7732) Proud tobe NCA compart OKFSTS nd tenet nuded Bw aberbsad pice Slack ard quae: ay ne putas sae Acheron Svcs evden EH FURNITURE | ss excpted Rabon Finance is 2 tang son of Shope Investments

Latest specials

R4999 R1199 81399 ‘ Depot SOD. Depot R120 Depoat R10. Fob 1 36 Ment, N09 30 Met, Rix 20 Ment. Teal Payable ROSES Tota Papal 242 Total Payal G2 uZohet Pris az 3-Piece Miami Trinity Trinity Kitchen Scheme Coffee Table TV Stand * Accessories: 4 not included Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers Rod R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. : Depot ADD Robe x90 Months, meas le OTE Tota Pol Tso 137em 152cm Ith Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty cron ie 0 er 123 ESS ‘STORES NATIONWIDE ~ FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UME seston a ape hn Malm i. tert anor sje che es. ct ie rnc. nny eae an etn ee. pai. tt exch ope ance dene hres Let eos ae cto a ater asasimert a tegated by te NCA ands Regustors Requremunt ox erstapcatons must chae a capy ol your wary docu lates! eee ayspa andr bank tater poo! of redace not olde thay § mons and vont expenses. Orpoat may have o be pd. subject you crt assessment SMS for eredt~ SMS cost A. Standard Ta & Cs app Accessories dapayed ar ll played ae ied at our Sacrebon. No Deas alowed. Corcumerspurchaung TV ets must produce tet D document poo! residence anda vabd TV Loence as requred by legato, sand store sebvabon Shou an error occur or ncompleteformaton be pnted nfs adverssement we wl lay anotce in-store wih the corect Gets rors and om Lian Authorised Cret Provider (NCRCPEDSO) and an Authored Financial Series rower (FSP 7732) Proud tobe NCA compart OKFSTS nd tenet nuded Bw aberbsad pice Slack ard quae: ay ne putas sae Acheron Svcs evden EH FURNITURE | ss excpted Rabon Finance is 2 tang son of Shope Investments

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