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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE "S300 Deposit N$470. NS209 x 24 Months, Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge KBF525 ME — © 2-Year Guarantee RATING | ed cia ENERGY RATING H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm “ENERGY RATING H 789mm 'W 912mm SAVE "$1000 NS20999 Deposit NS2100. NS919 x 24 Months. SAMSUNG Metallic = Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with water Dispenser Rss2 * 2-Year Guarantee 10 PLU pe NS3699 Deposit NS370. NS169 x 24 Months. DEFY White Chest Freezer DMF470 CF210HC #3 +2 Years (with registration Warranty NS229 Ds Pee “ ENERGY RATING | H | 1600mm W 540mm eS ala "54999 SAVE "S200 SAVE "5300 SAVE "51000 mexzeae 05 wage ES i 7a00 nes ea Meth N20 2 Monts, NeSS0 2 Month SAMSUNG Grey Whi Gre} Twin-Tub Top-Loader Penater Wasted Washing Machine besitos Machine WA15T5260BY fa om pass *2Year *2-Year H 1072mmn Warranty Fersks Guarantee W 990mm tom 585mm W 610mm a SAVE "S300 SAVE "S500 SAVE "S150 SAVE "S100 (DEFY) NS3699 NS$4999 NS1299 NS$1799 Solid Black Hob Deposit N$130. Deposit NS180, with Contro! The 9 24 Months NSD 28 Month S69 x 24 Months, N80 24 Months, Panel DHD398 ‘ees Unive aa © 2-Year Warranty § Black ~——_ Black Cookerhood 4-Burner Black 4-Plate DcH290 Gas Stove Cable Stove * 2-Year Warranty U116B * 2-Year Guarantee H 1215m W 610mm D_ 660mm en ) EY Va) ISTE nt Mirror-Door Deel Berita) RS N$29999 OTe pooled Do Mala aN NS$3499 Biack Glass 7 Oven DBO483E Deposit N$350. NS159x 24 Months. © 3-Year Warranty Se) ee EE) RY wey SAVE "S100 ees ey)

Latest specials

SAVE "S300 Deposit N$470. NS209 x 24 Months, Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge KBF525 ME — © 2-Year Guarantee RATING | ed cia ENERGY RATING H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm “ENERGY RATING H 789mm 'W 912mm SAVE "$1000 NS20999 Deposit NS2100. NS919 x 24 Months. SAMSUNG Metallic = Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with water Dispenser Rss2 * 2-Year Guarantee 10 PLU pe NS3699 Deposit NS370. NS169 x 24 Months. DEFY White Chest Freezer DMF470 CF210HC #3 +2 Years (with registration Warranty NS229 Ds Pee “ ENERGY RATING | H | 1600mm W 540mm eS ala "54999 SAVE "S200 SAVE "5300 SAVE "51000 mexzeae 05 wage ES i 7a00 nes ea Meth N20 2 Monts, NeSS0 2 Month SAMSUNG Grey Whi Gre} Twin-Tub Top-Loader Penater Wasted Washing Machine besitos Machine WA15T5260BY fa om pass *2Year *2-Year H 1072mmn Warranty Fersks Guarantee W 990mm tom 585mm W 610mm a SAVE "S300 SAVE "S500 SAVE "S150 SAVE "S100 (DEFY) NS3699 NS$4999 NS1299 NS$1799 Solid Black Hob Deposit N$130. Deposit NS180, with Contro! The 9 24 Months NSD 28 Month S69 x 24 Months, N80 24 Months, Panel DHD398 ‘ees Unive aa © 2-Year Warranty § Black ~——_ Black Cookerhood 4-Burner Black 4-Plate DcH290 Gas Stove Cable Stove * 2-Year Warranty U116B * 2-Year Guarantee H 1215m W 610mm D_ 660mm en ) EY Va) ISTE nt Mirror-Door Deel Berita) RS N$29999 OTe pooled Do Mala aN NS$3499 Biack Glass 7 Oven DBO483E Deposit N$350. NS159x 24 Months. © 3-Year Warranty Se) ee EE) RY wey SAVE "S100 ees ey)

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