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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 03.01 to 08.01 - Page nb 1

Special OK Furniture 03.01.2023 - 08.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

Sleep: IMCS ESELLM | Econopedic Base Set Satin-Metallic Finish Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser | DAC475 Deposit K2250 * K459 x 18 Months Hei hs teete eee tp Tv K' pic ————— hannel Tall Boy — : K§499 S50A6G 7999 = Home Theatre System Deposit K2000. ee $< Deposit (2000. LHD657 * 1000W € = ZE ENERGY RATING H1710mm. W 540mm D 587mm Ee ea nae ieee eee CRU menicolu TL) ‘ories not included

Latest specials

Sleep: IMCS ESELLM | Econopedic Base Set Satin-Metallic Finish Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser | DAC475 Deposit K2250 * K459 x 18 Months Hei hs teete eee tp Tv K' pic ————— hannel Tall Boy — : K§499 S50A6G 7999 = Home Theatre System Deposit K2000. ee $< Deposit (2000. LHD657 * 1000W € = ZE ENERGY RATING H1710mm. W 540mm D 587mm Ee ea nae ieee eee CRU menicolu TL) ‘ories not included

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