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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 03.01 to 08.01 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 03.01.2023 - 08.01.2023

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Da eC AO Cueva eles Full HD Digital LED TV 40A5200F © 4-Year Guarantee <a y Deposit P150. Deposit P170. P69 x 30 Months. P79 x 30 Months. Total pris P1989 ¥ Total Payable P2229 at 24% Int. - at 24% int. Rie Bowen. ~ ‘ul igital a > re t MHLED32-HD/D OM-4039 ° a oo juarantee HD = |= [Reavy | “op pHom we SIGETIN TELEFUNKEN P2999 TEbD srs . Deposit P300. P129 x 30 Months. Total Payable P3789 ~ at 24% Int. Tae kya UT ROC ee Ee eee SKYWORTH 4K Android LED TV 65SUD9300F 3-Year Guarantee VE P20 r Deposit P8O. ee SAVE P40 ’ y Dsty TST Peer teas Ve SUE it P479 9S HD Decoder + P Total Payable P1089 De} ose wl Y 1-Month Free 74 at 24% Int, * 1 a Deposit P50. Subscription : 30 Months, Tolal Payable P7590 Fee eee) a at 26% ht installation Neo Stick fe

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Da eC AO Cueva eles Full HD Digital LED TV 40A5200F © 4-Year Guarantee <a y Deposit P150. Deposit P170. P69 x 30 Months. P79 x 30 Months. Total pris P1989 ¥ Total Payable P2229 at 24% Int. - at 24% int. Rie Bowen. ~ ‘ul igital a > re t MHLED32-HD/D OM-4039 ° a oo juarantee HD = |= [Reavy | “op pHom we SIGETIN TELEFUNKEN P2999 TEbD srs . Deposit P300. P129 x 30 Months. Total Payable P3789 ~ at 24% Int. Tae kya UT ROC ee Ee eee SKYWORTH 4K Android LED TV 65SUD9300F 3-Year Guarantee VE P20 r Deposit P8O. ee SAVE P40 ’ y Dsty TST Peer teas Ve SUE it P479 9S HD Decoder + P Total Payable P1089 De} ose wl Y 1-Month Free 74 at 24% Int, * 1 a Deposit P50. Subscription : 30 Months, Tolal Payable P7590 Fee eee) a at 26% ht installation Neo Stick fe

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