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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Ty Deco Ty Deco ye Coffee . TV Stand M2599 me 2949 ry rp oes W520 Bis iat. Toul Ppl M9 Tet Ppt nT nave wane M6899 Reba ans “ota Pyate e529 st 24% 4-Piece Deposit Hamilton Total Payable M19389 at 24% Int. Wall Unit * Audiovisual ‘SAVE M1100 equipment and M . =e a accessories -Plece Trojan Lounge Suite it 15899 *feSeebe ot eed rote M899 M4399 Depot E50 Depot 440 S50 «30 Moth. MiB 30 Mans "Ppt 29 3-Piece Napoli 7-Piece Baltimore | Lounge Suite Dinette Sot * Scatter cushions and accessories not included * Accessories not Included M3199 M2399 Depoot 890. Dept Maz. Depot 240 ME 20 Mont, Wi 90 Month M03 90 Mont Teta Payable MBS20 Teal Payale MAGES Teal Payable M2090 ae aan Prin 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk 107em Kitchen Scheme * Mattresses, bedding Dawson Robe * Accessories ‘and accessories not included not included M0899 Deposit 1000. WG 220 Mont. You Payale 13389 Depot M50 M20 30 Months Fetal Payable M729 20h it 20% nt 2-Piece Sophia 2-Plece Bellona Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included * Base set, bedding and accessories not included ‘ALSO Sophia Maxi LABLE Chest of Drawors ae am M2199, Save M500. cae dc: ee bas eet a a es s Pte ee Pep eas “yo bl : e peer ecko aiasres re or td Cre eet Perot zs = aa SAVE "1300 J RESTONIC SAl OPAC SYMPHONY BASE SETS M46 152cm Rest Zone Base Set’ MA BQO 182m Symphony Base Set Siem 3909, Save M1100 tots + 1-Year Guarantee Included ina, SUSIS_ * 1-Year Guarantee Included in s97¢m M3899, Save M1900 Gost 70.” 40-Year Service Warranty, Dept an _-10-Year Service Warranty 137em M4699, Save M1300 Tal ale ESO "ea Pate eo 20% ft Zan et fas BUY PLANT-A-TREE rom WIN Le eT ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0061 11 2213 MERE Ua eat ee een eae ur Pres advertised are appcable within Lesotho ot Al Terms ince depast VAT and finance charges, but excl insurance and delivery charges, ness otherwise cated. rg your ID root of esidece (not der than hee i) a ree nese psa odce Were apd eps yeu cet plain La bambi osc bok Erg ste er es STs and ators fy pcs Indicated nes aren net value Sheu you any fem cheaper at any oe rete prone aqui or cent catalogue ad we wi fund te erence pls 5% fhe erenca. This condone day of purchase from OK Future and the pred or wich the pice rom OK Futures vad fr, adn hereafr Ths ole excludes Sore Openings, Clearances and Lmned Quay oflers Produc are valle fom al branches, however | Suto vest ene lps ry et mtr bo py ml Ses Acs Sao al spayed sets a a rel che We wrtan pce Sd m ert xox reongewramannbe PTET “VST ET] To $ printed inthis advertisement, we wil splay a notice in-store with all he corect detals, BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (00265) 2246 1667, LERIBE: (00266) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (00266) 2243 0564, MASERU: (00266) 2232 Hoss MASERU MALL 0085 225353, MAFETENG (1205 270021, TEYATEYRNEME 01) 250052, SEFWA: 1255 222 7275 MOMALE' HOE: (1255 5250081283, MEAD OFAC: +2711 458 700. LELEOKF71

Latest specials

Ty Deco Ty Deco ye Coffee . TV Stand M2599 me 2949 ry rp oes W520 Bis iat. Toul Ppl M9 Tet Ppt nT nave wane M6899 Reba ans “ota Pyate e529 st 24% 4-Piece Deposit Hamilton Total Payable M19389 at 24% Int. Wall Unit * Audiovisual ‘SAVE M1100 equipment and M . =e a accessories -Plece Trojan Lounge Suite it 15899 *feSeebe ot eed rote M899 M4399 Depot E50 Depot 440 S50 «30 Moth. MiB 30 Mans "Ppt 29 3-Piece Napoli 7-Piece Baltimore | Lounge Suite Dinette Sot * Scatter cushions and accessories not included * Accessories not Included M3199 M2399 Depoot 890. Dept Maz. Depot 240 ME 20 Mont, Wi 90 Month M03 90 Mont Teta Payable MBS20 Teal Payale MAGES Teal Payable M2090 ae aan Prin 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk 107em Kitchen Scheme * Mattresses, bedding Dawson Robe * Accessories ‘and accessories not included not included M0899 Deposit 1000. WG 220 Mont. You Payale 13389 Depot M50 M20 30 Months Fetal Payable M729 20h it 20% nt 2-Piece Sophia 2-Plece Bellona Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included * Base set, bedding and accessories not included ‘ALSO Sophia Maxi LABLE Chest of Drawors ae am M2199, Save M500. cae dc: ee bas eet a a es s Pte ee Pep eas “yo bl : e peer ecko aiasres re or td Cre eet Perot zs = aa SAVE "1300 J RESTONIC SAl OPAC SYMPHONY BASE SETS M46 152cm Rest Zone Base Set’ MA BQO 182m Symphony Base Set Siem 3909, Save M1100 tots + 1-Year Guarantee Included ina, SUSIS_ * 1-Year Guarantee Included in s97¢m M3899, Save M1900 Gost 70.” 40-Year Service Warranty, Dept an _-10-Year Service Warranty 137em M4699, Save M1300 Tal ale ESO "ea Pate eo 20% ft Zan et fas BUY PLANT-A-TREE rom WIN Le eT ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0061 11 2213 MERE Ua eat ee een eae ur Pres advertised are appcable within Lesotho ot Al Terms ince depast VAT and finance charges, but excl insurance and delivery charges, ness otherwise cated. rg your ID root of esidece (not der than hee i) a ree nese psa odce Were apd eps yeu cet plain La bambi osc bok Erg ste er es STs and ators fy pcs Indicated nes aren net value Sheu you any fem cheaper at any oe rete prone aqui or cent catalogue ad we wi fund te erence pls 5% fhe erenca. This condone day of purchase from OK Future and the pred or wich the pice rom OK Futures vad fr, adn hereafr Ths ole excludes Sore Openings, Clearances and Lmned Quay oflers Produc are valle fom al branches, however | Suto vest ene lps ry et mtr bo py ml Ses Acs Sao al spayed sets a a rel che We wrtan pce Sd m ert xox reongewramannbe PTET “VST ET] To $ printed inthis advertisement, we wil splay a notice in-store with all he corect detals, BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (00265) 2246 1667, LERIBE: (00266) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (00266) 2243 0564, MASERU: (00266) 2232 Hoss MASERU MALL 0085 225353, MAFETENG (1205 270021, TEYATEYRNEME 01) 250052, SEFWA: 1255 222 7275 MOMALE' HOE: (1255 5250081283, MEAD OFAC: +2711 458 700. LELEOKF71

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