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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 25.08 to 17.09 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 25.08.2022 - 17.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

at) TJ Cosmo TV Stand * Audiovisual R4999 R1499 R1G99 scorns : ' accessories epost ROD. Depost 150. Depot R170. Ob 36 Month, Riot 30 Monts Rie 20 Moths NOt included Tot Poyate ROBE 2A 3-Plece Miami Kitchen Scheme * Accessories Not included jw Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers R1499, Save R700 R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. Desosit 400 0630 Monts, FPS 36 Mont, Tt ay "ata Pe Pol Tao 137em 152cm Health Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty {8 STORES NATIONWIDE ~ FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE LINE {© ces adverted are appcabe wits Ermelo ony instalment amounts Seplayed cute VAT test credit We insurance, monty service and maton fe. cable but exlaies optonl neurance and deivery charges. Al cre appctons ae sitect nk statements, poo ol tesdence not ler tan tm included nthe advertised pce Stak ae quart trove ine ner 123 FS = OH and monty be hited & expenses Deptt may hav rf & stor dacroson No Dealers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce thes i documert, poo of rea 1s 034 I FURNITURE | tore acbabon. Shou an err occir ce mcompleteinfrmabon be pred nts avertsement we wl splay a notice nse wha the correct etal Errors and omissions excepted Rainbow Finance 3 radng coven of Shope nvetment (1 ‘an Autherised Cred Provider NCACPOOSO), and an Autrsed nancial Senaces Provider FSP 7732) Prout tobe NCA comphant be paid, subject to your ret assesament SMS for cred ~ SMS casts

Latest specials

at) TJ Cosmo TV Stand * Audiovisual R4999 R1499 R1G99 scorns : ' accessories epost ROD. Depost 150. Depot R170. Ob 36 Month, Riot 30 Monts Rie 20 Moths NOt included Tot Poyate ROBE 2A 3-Plece Miami Kitchen Scheme * Accessories Not included jw Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers R1499, Save R700 R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. Desosit 400 0630 Monts, FPS 36 Mont, Tt ay "ata Pe Pol Tao 137em 152cm Health Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a 10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty {8 STORES NATIONWIDE ~ FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE LINE {© ces adverted are appcabe wits Ermelo ony instalment amounts Seplayed cute VAT test credit We insurance, monty service and maton fe. cable but exlaies optonl neurance and deivery charges. Al cre appctons ae sitect nk statements, poo ol tesdence not ler tan tm included nthe advertised pce Stak ae quart trove ine ner 123 FS = OH and monty be hited & expenses Deptt may hav rf & stor dacroson No Dealers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce thes i documert, poo of rea 1s 034 I FURNITURE | tore acbabon. Shou an err occir ce mcompleteinfrmabon be pred nts avertsement we wl splay a notice nse wha the correct etal Errors and omissions excepted Rainbow Finance 3 radng coven of Shope nvetment (1 ‘an Autherised Cred Provider NCACPOOSO), and an Autrsed nancial Senaces Provider FSP 7732) Prout tobe NCA comphant be paid, subject to your ret assesament SMS for cred ~ SMS casts

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