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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 22.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 22.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

oe ray : ’ 3-Piece Miami m R4999 R4QQQ Saccssccres”” R1299 not included Deposit 500. Depot SOD. Depost 130. F203 36 Mont, F209 36 Mont, NN 90 Ment. Teal Payable R98 Teal Payable R68 Toa Payatle RISE M225 MZ n22 St 225% 3-Piece Italia Trinity Trinity Colby Wall Unit Coffee Table TV Stand Sophia Maxi Chest " = of Drawers aS © R1499, Save R1000 R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. = Desosit 400 R630 Moats, FPS 36 Mont, Tot Payable W761 : Tota Pay R199 2h nt mnt Pol Tao 137em 152cm Health Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a _10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty trove ine 0 er 133 SSS = ae 5 sores nanionwde ~ FoR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VIsiT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE '& Pcesadverted are applicable wtin White River ony instalment amounts cpayed inde VA, tres, cre ie insurance, marly sarice and eaten te, it applicable, but exchdes optonal insurance and delivery charges. Al ret applications are & sayoct oan aterdabty asncamert a's ecgared by te NCA and Regulators Requre mnt fo crt applications must icha cap yor warty Societe! we payspa andr bank sttemarts pro! of rece not ode than § mots and @ monthly expenses. Depost may have to be pad, subject to your ced asoessmeat SMS for rai ~ SMS cost RI. Standard Ts & Cs apply Accessories payed are all played as extras and ae ol incuded i he adveried price. Stock and quaniies may belied atc daor Re Drrs alowed Cason pring stm rd et doce ot oe ans lV eer erey elon apne purus we abet CAreautenets Svcs onde st FURNITURE | Cs and store acbvabon Shou an error occur or incomplete efermabon be pnted nts adverbsement we wil slay anotcein-stee wth al he correct deals ors and omissions excepted. arbow France ta vad Gresion of Short Investments. Lian Authorised Cret Provider (NCRCPEDSO) and an Authored Financial Series rower (FSP 7732) Proud tobe NCA compart

Latest specials

oe ray : ’ 3-Piece Miami m R4999 R4QQQ Saccssccres”” R1299 not included Deposit 500. Depot SOD. Depost 130. F203 36 Mont, F209 36 Mont, NN 90 Ment. Teal Payable R98 Teal Payable R68 Toa Payatle RISE M225 MZ n22 St 225% 3-Piece Italia Trinity Trinity Colby Wall Unit Coffee Table TV Stand Sophia Maxi Chest " = of Drawers aS © R1499, Save R1000 R3499 R3999 Deposit 250. = Desosit 400 R630 Moats, FPS 36 Mont, Tot Payable W761 : Tota Pay R199 2h nt mnt Pol Tao 137em 152cm Health Symphony Rest Base Set Base Set * 1-Year * 1-Year Guarantee Guarantee Included in a Included in a _10-Year Service 40-Year Warranty Service Warranty trove ine 0 er 133 SSS = ae 5 sores nanionwde ~ FoR YOUR NEAREST STORE PLEASE VIsiT OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER CARE UNE '& Pcesadverted are applicable wtin White River ony instalment amounts cpayed inde VA, tres, cre ie insurance, marly sarice and eaten te, it applicable, but exchdes optonal insurance and delivery charges. Al ret applications are & sayoct oan aterdabty asncamert a's ecgared by te NCA and Regulators Requre mnt fo crt applications must icha cap yor warty Societe! we payspa andr bank sttemarts pro! of rece not ode than § mots and @ monthly expenses. Depost may have to be pad, subject to your ced asoessmeat SMS for rai ~ SMS cost RI. Standard Ts & Cs apply Accessories payed are all played as extras and ae ol incuded i he adveried price. Stock and quaniies may belied atc daor Re Drrs alowed Cason pring stm rd et doce ot oe ans lV eer erey elon apne purus we abet CAreautenets Svcs onde st FURNITURE | Cs and store acbvabon Shou an error occur or incomplete efermabon be pnted nts adverbsement we wil slay anotcein-stee wth al he correct deals ors and omissions excepted. arbow France ta vad Gresion of Short Investments. Lian Authorised Cret Provider (NCRCPEDSO) and an Authored Financial Series rower (FSP 7732) Proud tobe NCA compart

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