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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 11.09 - Page nb 6

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 11.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

GET UP TO 56% OFF! 6a) 152cm Grande RESTONIC Base Set * 1-Year Guarantee Included ina LT\ arin) 152cm Champion EEE] 183¢m Tanzanite 10-Year Service Base Set Base Set Warranty * 1-Year Guarantee 4 * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty PONG WIN Eas 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included yD a SO AVAILABLE ON CREDIT 99¢ BOBOOKF202 aj LIMITED QUANTITIES PER PERSON * BIG RED SALE OFFERS VALID 8 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2022 ONLY! WHILE STOCKS LAST. STANDARD Ts & Cs APPLY.

Latest specials

GET UP TO 56% OFF! 6a) 152cm Grande RESTONIC Base Set * 1-Year Guarantee Included ina LT\ arin) 152cm Champion EEE] 183¢m Tanzanite 10-Year Service Base Set Base Set Warranty * 1-Year Guarantee 4 * 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty PONG WIN Eas 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included yD a SO AVAILABLE ON CREDIT 99¢ BOBOOKF202 aj LIMITED QUANTITIES PER PERSON * BIG RED SALE OFFERS VALID 8 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2022 ONLY! WHILE STOCKS LAST. STANDARD Ts & Cs APPLY.

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