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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.06 to 30.06 - Page nb 3

Special MTN 01.06.2023 - 30.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

R479 AND OVER 10GB Start-up bundle PER MONTH SON ora iPhone Somsung Galaxy Somsung somsung ‘SE3*Gen A73 5G A735 Goloxy $21 FE SG. Golaxy $22 5G Enabled 5G Enabled (G286B)/5¢ Enabled Scenabled TN ego Tob/Gis 8 TW Nog Tan HTH gS Ta Ce HIN ego Taki R479... R509... R509... R529... Cosh Deol R12 009 Gosh Deol 14479 Cosh Deol R20309 SANE 09520, 11 (6ace) 12(64¢8) 3342868) ite SC'enobled SC Enabled MIN Mega Talk/Gigs S R679... MIN Mego Talk/Gigs R629... MIN Moga Talk/Gigs S R549... iPhone 13 256c8) Sc Enabled MIN Moga Talk/Gigs S R739..... 1-Month access to ¢Arcade! + #tv+ included for one year? when you buy an iPhone. Watch on the Apple TV app. Choose more talk je. eos — nova ¥70 Plus LTE — MIN Mego Tak/Gigs XS ates a CORE ane arr 459... R619... Tea es (USC ‘Anytime Dota 250MB ‘500MB OR choose more gigs MTN Mega Gigs ] xszce | sace | Huawei Care VIP Service S0-Day Screen Huawei Care VIP Service: '50-Day Screen Anytime Data 168 208 Streaming 500MB. 168 Social 500MB. ace MIN-to-ony network 25min 50min Enjoy social tundies onathese networks ‘"] @ FI) fo} CY VE tae Saree meth your A eign tne te asta nad (77 tires honcinssaeremarseer triad Join fhe Boks in France LCD Ny ts) Soe Ta) Pee ress} ae RES ae PoE) PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS a chance to WIN a trip to Paris and other weekly prizes

Latest specials

R479 AND OVER 10GB Start-up bundle PER MONTH SON ora iPhone Somsung Galaxy Somsung somsung ‘SE3*Gen A73 5G A735 Goloxy $21 FE SG. Golaxy $22 5G Enabled 5G Enabled (G286B)/5¢ Enabled Scenabled TN ego Tob/Gis 8 TW Nog Tan HTH gS Ta Ce HIN ego Taki R479... R509... R509... R529... Cosh Deol R12 009 Gosh Deol 14479 Cosh Deol R20309 SANE 09520, 11 (6ace) 12(64¢8) 3342868) ite SC'enobled SC Enabled MIN Mega Talk/Gigs S R679... MIN Mego Talk/Gigs R629... MIN Moga Talk/Gigs S R549... iPhone 13 256c8) Sc Enabled MIN Moga Talk/Gigs S R739..... 1-Month access to ¢Arcade! + #tv+ included for one year? when you buy an iPhone. Watch on the Apple TV app. Choose more talk je. eos — nova ¥70 Plus LTE — MIN Mego Tak/Gigs XS ates a CORE ane arr 459... R619... Tea es (USC ‘Anytime Dota 250MB ‘500MB OR choose more gigs MTN Mega Gigs ] xszce | sace | Huawei Care VIP Service S0-Day Screen Huawei Care VIP Service: '50-Day Screen Anytime Data 168 208 Streaming 500MB. 168 Social 500MB. ace MIN-to-ony network 25min 50min Enjoy social tundies onathese networks ‘"] @ FI) fo} CY VE tae Saree meth your A eign tne te asta nad (77 tires honcinssaeremarseer triad Join fhe Boks in France LCD Ny ts) Soe Ta) Pee ress} ae RES ae PoE) PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS a chance to WIN a trip to Paris and other weekly prizes

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