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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 7

Special MTN 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Plug your home into Uncapped 5G From just R699pm <> Uncapped 5G Uncapped 5G 5G Wi-Fi router included with these deals Ifyou have a qualifying router already, choose from our Mi me Uncapped, 5G and Fixed LTE SIM-only payment options. Join or upgrade fo a qualifying MyYMTN Home Uncapped plan and stand a chance fo WIN double tickets fo join us for a VIP Springboks experience in a city near you 17/05/2022 ~ 30/09/2022, Subject to 5G cover

Latest specials

Plug your home into Uncapped 5G From just R699pm <> Uncapped 5G Uncapped 5G 5G Wi-Fi router included with these deals Ifyou have a qualifying router already, choose from our Mi me Uncapped, 5G and Fixed LTE SIM-only payment options. Join or upgrade fo a qualifying MyYMTN Home Uncapped plan and stand a chance fo WIN double tickets fo join us for a VIP Springboks experience in a city near you 17/05/2022 ~ 30/09/2022, Subject to 5G cover

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