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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 14

Special MTN 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Sky Deals | Contracts Level up your life with Get two free data sharing SIM cards” fo share with family Ria DT Choose your " c device é Ss Choose your MyMTN Sky deal eam Sra AI fen act e feng aad Eee Ee MyMTN Sky Bronze Sues aan R1659 * ®2459 * Pe eeei aod ce en Eerie ui MyMTN Sky Silver poeta de trae LL R1859 « R2659 - Peer to en cue area Reel ag et eee eta ail MyMTN Sky Gold Foam ees 11 R2359 . R3159 . eters oyrezs corey co neaieaekes iat Sac cu MyMTN Bn Platinum ea a hebeteg al Cental Cours R2859 . 3659 . aU aia PMx24 PMx24 Unlimited MTN-to-MTN Calls R100 international Calling re ee eae ens iN | i om Sole ir | SF

Latest specials

Sky Deals | Contracts Level up your life with Get two free data sharing SIM cards” fo share with family Ria DT Choose your " c device é Ss Choose your MyMTN Sky deal eam Sra AI fen act e feng aad Eee Ee MyMTN Sky Bronze Sues aan R1659 * ®2459 * Pe eeei aod ce en Eerie ui MyMTN Sky Silver poeta de trae LL R1859 « R2659 - Peer to en cue area Reel ag et eee eta ail MyMTN Sky Gold Foam ees 11 R2359 . R3159 . eters oyrezs corey co neaieaekes iat Sac cu MyMTN Bn Platinum ea a hebeteg al Cental Cours R2859 . 3659 . aU aia PMx24 PMx24 Unlimited MTN-to-MTN Calls R100 international Calling re ee eae ens iN | i om Sole ir | SF

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