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Current special Matrix Warehouse - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 2

Special Matrix Warehouse 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

GAMING PC CASE (G-CGOIAGBA4AO-GXLG) er ALU, / \ >: C @ e e : } | -TAVoy RU Te) Re) <i Ee SLIDER O3 RGB. GAMING MOUSE” —s_—~ ete” c : - . (G-MGSO3UX97RG2BO-GXLG) * f- *: Ba ae fe 4 (G-KGS0314TIRGIBSLO-GXLG) — i ) SONAR 2 Saree Wnc _— GAMING RGB a R499 & HEADSET BLUE,SWITCHES (G-HGSO25USRGRO-GXLG) im eee SSS = Thal 2 a | Prey ia aa) aaa U ia SLIDER 01 RGB GAMING MOUSE (G-KGSONA4TIRGIBSLO-GXLG) 8 BUTTONS | 7200DPI tN Oy cd (G-MGSOINAI8RG2B0-GXLG) SONAR a KEYBOARD 3 apt a eae be HEADSET } yi 5 | Meee clack mn / cee a gee DD Gare =| 8 eee SG 1-Click OC Feature) -” ; = 24GB GDDREX 384-bit 6 ; GS ye rv Graphics Card ea ea: SETAE By SS ill a “4 PRE-ORDER NOW! ‘ } LW = GEFORCE . RSA 42 Cap | =< RCS CARDS ACCEPTED IN SELECTED STORES. T's & C’s Apply.

Latest specials

GAMING PC CASE (G-CGOIAGBA4AO-GXLG) er ALU, / \ >: C @ e e : } | -TAVoy RU Te) Re) <i Ee SLIDER O3 RGB. GAMING MOUSE” —s_—~ ete” c : - . (G-MGSO3UX97RG2BO-GXLG) * f- *: Ba ae fe 4 (G-KGS0314TIRGIBSLO-GXLG) — i ) SONAR 2 Saree Wnc _— GAMING RGB a R499 & HEADSET BLUE,SWITCHES (G-HGSO25USRGRO-GXLG) im eee SSS = Thal 2 a | Prey ia aa) aaa U ia SLIDER 01 RGB GAMING MOUSE (G-KGSONA4TIRGIBSLO-GXLG) 8 BUTTONS | 7200DPI tN Oy cd (G-MGSOINAI8RG2B0-GXLG) SONAR a KEYBOARD 3 apt a eae be HEADSET } yi 5 | Meee clack mn / cee a gee DD Gare =| 8 eee SG 1-Click OC Feature) -” ; = 24GB GDDREX 384-bit 6 ; GS ye rv Graphics Card ea ea: SETAE By SS ill a “4 PRE-ORDER NOW! ‘ } LW = GEFORCE . RSA 42 Cap | =< RCS CARDS ACCEPTED IN SELECTED STORES. T's & C’s Apply.

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