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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.12 to 04.01 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 22.12.2022 - 04.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Thursday 22 December 2022 to Wednesday 4 January 2023 am FULL CREAM TSI NS ut ea) Mitk TASTIC ITAU LUCKY STAR HULETTS M Parboiled Rice Super Maize Meal Pilchards in Tomato SunSweet Brown Long Life Full Cream Milk 10kg NO VAT 10kg NO VAT Chilli Sauce Sugar NO VAT No VAT | ECONO. KOO MONSTER BAKERS CADBURY Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce _ Energy Drinks Topper Cream Biscuits Dairy Milk Chocolate Slabs (All vrint) (All orion) (All orion) GRAND-PA PROTEX SUNLIGHT : Hooded eders ce ee | Protest, fend Woshing | te! 2 Dens FS : oe i : . Protex’ if 5 . \ Protex > | t Protex’ [oivey q RRA A autem Protex’ . Sori eee, 2 paces gece Remi All prices in South African Rands. Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions. 11 $2/2022 MKSTFD20.Mokro.CAP_Month End BFN

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Thursday 22 December 2022 to Wednesday 4 January 2023 am FULL CREAM TSI NS ut ea) Mitk TASTIC ITAU LUCKY STAR HULETTS M Parboiled Rice Super Maize Meal Pilchards in Tomato SunSweet Brown Long Life Full Cream Milk 10kg NO VAT 10kg NO VAT Chilli Sauce Sugar NO VAT No VAT | ECONO. KOO MONSTER BAKERS CADBURY Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce _ Energy Drinks Topper Cream Biscuits Dairy Milk Chocolate Slabs (All vrint) (All orion) (All orion) GRAND-PA PROTEX SUNLIGHT : Hooded eders ce ee | Protest, fend Woshing | te! 2 Dens FS : oe i : . Protex’ if 5 . \ Protex > | t Protex’ [oivey q RRA A autem Protex’ . Sori eee, 2 paces gece Remi All prices in South African Rands. Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions. 11 $2/2022 MKSTFD20.Mokro.CAP_Month End BFN

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